
Sunday, January 26, 2014

26) Something I could never tire of doing

I could never tire of learning! Oh how I love to learn! I just went to the library and looked through a new section of books I had never looked through before! I was so ecstatic. I wanted to get ALL THE BOOKS!!
But, I am such a slow reader. I would never have be able to read the maximum number of books in the maximum amount of time. So I just got four.

I am planning on writing a novel on music, therefore I am researching music theory. And then I saw books about music history and music science, so I had to get those too! And then I decided I wanted to learn about Lewis and Clark. But I shall save that subject for next time.

I love reading about the French Revolution and about Anne Frank. Those have been my favorite "go to" subjects for research.

I wanted to learn about different religions, so I did my junior research paper on the dichotomy of good and evil in religion.

I decided to master my craft of writing and got some books about being a better writer. I read Writer's Inc. for fun while the rest of my classmates toilsomely managed to scan a page of the research paper chapter. I bought a book called the Writer's Path, which I highly recommend to any aspiring writer.

My best friend got me Webster's New Encyclopedic Dictionary for Christmas and I read it frequently. It has a terrific grammar section explaining all sorts of rules that my elementary grammar did not enlighten me about.

I like reading my parent's encyclopedias. I become so lost in them. For instance, I was researching some things for homework and I had to look in the encyclopedia for it. Then I read the next one. Then it referred to something I did not know about, so of course I had to look that up as well. Then I found another article that sparked my attention...and on and on like that until I remembered that I still needed to finish my homework.

There you have it, something I could never tire of doing: learning-mostly through books, and writing about everything I show the world how wonderful it is!

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