My bag contains multiple items such as the usual empty wallet, key chain that has more key chains than keys...and chapstick. Sometimes I carry around lip gloss, but I really find no point to it. All it does is make my lips look shiny for ten minutes, then it gets smeared on my cheek, then in the end, my lips are chapped and look worse than before...ugh
There are some pain killers, a compact mirror, a Swiss army knife, and my beaten up, ancient cell phone.
I have at least five pens in there at all times, all of them different colors. I have four notebooks regularly, and a fifth one is sometimes in there...(I never can know what might pop into my head at any given moment, so I'll have to have my 'tidbits' notebook, my 'poetry' notebook, my 'lessons learned' notebook, my 'random inspiring thoughts' notebook, and then 'whatever story I am presently working on' notebook).
I generally carry around teabags just in case...
I used to have a roll of tape, but then I used it all up and never bought any more, which is a sad case, because I have needed it and have been without.
I have tissues in case I randomly get a bloody nose...which has happened rather frequently for some odd reason.
I have an LED booklight.
Most of the time I have my Bible.
And sometimes my iPod.
And that's about it.
You are probably thinking that I lug around a suitcase. But I don't. I just stole Mary Poppins' bag.

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