I want to be able to read all these books that I got from the library, and all the books I am borrowing, and all the books I got for Christmas, and all the books I have to read for school, and all the books I want to read for fun, and all the books I have to read for Bible study....
In short, I want to read.
I will go do that now...goodbye...
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
27) How I envision my life to be
When I grow older I want to be a Disney princess.
When I grow older I want to be a famous writer.
When I grow older I want to sing on Broadway.
When I grow older I want to be an actress.
When I grow older I want to be a wife.
When I grown older I want to be a teacher.
When I grow older I want to be a mother.
When I grow old I want to be a mentor.
When I grow old I want to be THAT awesome grandma.
This is how I see all thise coming together:
Once upon a time there was a girl. She lived a pleasant life full of books, fairy tales, day dreaming, pretending in the great out doors, and creating art. She wrote hundreds of stories and poems, always wanting to share her work with the world.
She grew older and taught karate and geometry to her peers. And because her dad required her to go to college, she decided that studying to be a teacher would be the best thing for her to do, since she loved it so much.
When she graduated college, she applied for a job in Disney world. She got a job as Rapunzel, and all day long she was allowed to play with the children, make them smile, and learned the arts of magic.
She continuously wrote and wrote. Between jobs and between classes. Sometimes she would have a book published and it would make a great deal of money. She was never a world renowned author, but she had a few fans and celebrity friends.
What she was most know for though, was her job in Disney. People thought that she was so good at the part, that they casted her as Rapunzel in the Tangled Broadway musical. She was able to act and sing just like she had always dreamed of doing.
From that experience she was able to transfer into the movie acting world. She was cast as a leading actress in an Oscar winning movie. Later, she married her Christian coworker, who had played the role of Flynn Rider (and therefore by default was mouth-wateringly attractive).
Their wedding was small and pretty. It was held in the church she grew up in. There was only a small crowd of very close friends and relatives. She wore a white lace dress that only came to her knees; she wore dainty white sandals to go with it. She wore no jewelry, except for the ring. Her bouquet was made out of fern and yellow roses. It was summer, and she had flowers in her hair.
They finally settled down in a small cozy town, the kind where everyone knows everyone else. She got a job as the local English/Literature teacher in the town's cozy little school. She was able to influence the teenagers there and inspire them to be great and influential citizens. She was well loved by the kids in her class, and she loved them too. So much so, that there came a time when she wanted to have kids of her own.
She and her husband had three kids of their own. They fostered multitudes, and they adopted twenty kids from places all over the world. (In that way, they were able to travel. The husband and wife would leave their children at home with their aunt and uncle, and then 'Rapunzel' and 'Flynn' could go on exciting adventures in faraway lands. But always came back home to their big, big family, with a new family member in tow).
Long drowsy years passed, and her children grew up and had families of their own. They visited often, and she was always the favorite grandmother. She never lost her sense of youth and therefore related to children better than most adults can. Because of this, most girls would come to her for advice. She was trusted in the school and in her church as a mentor, role model, guide, and friend. She was wise and kind, and always was filled with love.
Their house was always filled with children and grandchildren. The beautiful couple grew old together. They had always been healthy because of the natural diet they took likings to in their early years. They were always fit and trim, and on the same day both died peacefully without any illness or pain. She was 93 and he was 97. They had been married for 70 years.
The End
When I grow older I want to be a famous writer.
When I grow older I want to sing on Broadway.
When I grow older I want to be an actress.
When I grow older I want to be a wife.
When I grown older I want to be a teacher.
When I grow older I want to be a mother.
When I grow old I want to be a mentor.
When I grow old I want to be THAT awesome grandma.
This is how I see all thise coming together:
Once upon a time there was a girl. She lived a pleasant life full of books, fairy tales, day dreaming, pretending in the great out doors, and creating art. She wrote hundreds of stories and poems, always wanting to share her work with the world.
She grew older and taught karate and geometry to her peers. And because her dad required her to go to college, she decided that studying to be a teacher would be the best thing for her to do, since she loved it so much.
When she graduated college, she applied for a job in Disney world. She got a job as Rapunzel, and all day long she was allowed to play with the children, make them smile, and learned the arts of magic.
She continuously wrote and wrote. Between jobs and between classes. Sometimes she would have a book published and it would make a great deal of money. She was never a world renowned author, but she had a few fans and celebrity friends.
What she was most know for though, was her job in Disney. People thought that she was so good at the part, that they casted her as Rapunzel in the Tangled Broadway musical. She was able to act and sing just like she had always dreamed of doing.
From that experience she was able to transfer into the movie acting world. She was cast as a leading actress in an Oscar winning movie. Later, she married her Christian coworker, who had played the role of Flynn Rider (and therefore by default was mouth-wateringly attractive).
Their wedding was small and pretty. It was held in the church she grew up in. There was only a small crowd of very close friends and relatives. She wore a white lace dress that only came to her knees; she wore dainty white sandals to go with it. She wore no jewelry, except for the ring. Her bouquet was made out of fern and yellow roses. It was summer, and she had flowers in her hair.
They finally settled down in a small cozy town, the kind where everyone knows everyone else. She got a job as the local English/Literature teacher in the town's cozy little school. She was able to influence the teenagers there and inspire them to be great and influential citizens. She was well loved by the kids in her class, and she loved them too. So much so, that there came a time when she wanted to have kids of her own.
She and her husband had three kids of their own. They fostered multitudes, and they adopted twenty kids from places all over the world. (In that way, they were able to travel. The husband and wife would leave their children at home with their aunt and uncle, and then 'Rapunzel' and 'Flynn' could go on exciting adventures in faraway lands. But always came back home to their big, big family, with a new family member in tow).
Long drowsy years passed, and her children grew up and had families of their own. They visited often, and she was always the favorite grandmother. She never lost her sense of youth and therefore related to children better than most adults can. Because of this, most girls would come to her for advice. She was trusted in the school and in her church as a mentor, role model, guide, and friend. She was wise and kind, and always was filled with love.
Their house was always filled with children and grandchildren. The beautiful couple grew old together. They had always been healthy because of the natural diet they took likings to in their early years. They were always fit and trim, and on the same day both died peacefully without any illness or pain. She was 93 and he was 97. They had been married for 70 years.
The End
Sunday, January 26, 2014
26) Something I could never tire of doing
I could never tire of learning! Oh how I love to learn! I just went to the library and looked through a new section of books I had never looked through before! I was so ecstatic. I wanted to get ALL THE BOOKS!!
But, I am such a slow reader. I would never have be able to read the maximum number of books in the maximum amount of time. So I just got four.
I am planning on writing a novel on music, therefore I am researching music theory. And then I saw books about music history and music science, so I had to get those too! And then I decided I wanted to learn about Lewis and Clark. But I shall save that subject for next time.
I love reading about the French Revolution and about Anne Frank. Those have been my favorite "go to" subjects for research.
I wanted to learn about different religions, so I did my junior research paper on the dichotomy of good and evil in religion.
I decided to master my craft of writing and got some books about being a better writer. I read Writer's Inc. for fun while the rest of my classmates toilsomely managed to scan a page of the research paper chapter. I bought a book called the Writer's Path, which I highly recommend to any aspiring writer.
My best friend got me Webster's New Encyclopedic Dictionary for Christmas and I read it frequently. It has a terrific grammar section explaining all sorts of rules that my elementary grammar did not enlighten me about.
I like reading my parent's encyclopedias. I become so lost in them. For instance, I was researching some things for homework and I had to look in the encyclopedia for it. Then I read the next one. Then it referred to something I did not know about, so of course I had to look that up as well. Then I found another article that sparked my attention...and on and on like that until I remembered that I still needed to finish my homework.
There you have it, something I could never tire of doing: learning-mostly through books, and writing about everything I learn...to show the world how wonderful it is!
But, I am such a slow reader. I would never have be able to read the maximum number of books in the maximum amount of time. So I just got four.
I am planning on writing a novel on music, therefore I am researching music theory. And then I saw books about music history and music science, so I had to get those too! And then I decided I wanted to learn about Lewis and Clark. But I shall save that subject for next time.
I love reading about the French Revolution and about Anne Frank. Those have been my favorite "go to" subjects for research.
I wanted to learn about different religions, so I did my junior research paper on the dichotomy of good and evil in religion.
I decided to master my craft of writing and got some books about being a better writer. I read Writer's Inc. for fun while the rest of my classmates toilsomely managed to scan a page of the research paper chapter. I bought a book called the Writer's Path, which I highly recommend to any aspiring writer.
My best friend got me Webster's New Encyclopedic Dictionary for Christmas and I read it frequently. It has a terrific grammar section explaining all sorts of rules that my elementary grammar did not enlighten me about.
I like reading my parent's encyclopedias. I become so lost in them. For instance, I was researching some things for homework and I had to look in the encyclopedia for it. Then I read the next one. Then it referred to something I did not know about, so of course I had to look that up as well. Then I found another article that sparked my attention...and on and on like that until I remembered that I still needed to finish my homework.
There you have it, something I could never tire of doing: learning-mostly through books, and writing about everything I learn...to show the world how wonderful it is!
25) What made my day special
I was supposed to post this yesterday, but I was busy....watching The Great Gatsby (1974) instead of dutifully blogging like I was supposed to.
My day was special yesterday because of my little sister. As I was struggling through chemistry homework and having an incredibly difficult time, she came in my room and hugged me. She told me she loved me very much and also that bad guys were coming. She had been running away from them and came to my room for refuge.
The "bad guys" came and killed her. She died there in my arms. I wept over her and cried...I tried to revive her, but she was mostly dead. I gathered her little body in my arms and pretended to medicate her wounds. But to no avail. This little princess is better than Snow White at being dead.
Suddenly I remembered that only a kiss of true love can return a princess to life! And since I love my sister so very much I kissed her cheek (not on the lips, because she has a cold and there was snot running down her nose..).
She sat up wearily saying, "I'm alive!" with a dramatic gasp. She hugged me tightly and thanked me.
She left me to go play somewhere else...but oh! That adventure made my chemistry pass so much faster with a lighter heart and a smile upon my lips.
My day was special yesterday because of my little sister. As I was struggling through chemistry homework and having an incredibly difficult time, she came in my room and hugged me. She told me she loved me very much and also that bad guys were coming. She had been running away from them and came to my room for refuge.
The "bad guys" came and killed her. She died there in my arms. I wept over her and cried...I tried to revive her, but she was mostly dead. I gathered her little body in my arms and pretended to medicate her wounds. But to no avail. This little princess is better than Snow White at being dead.
Suddenly I remembered that only a kiss of true love can return a princess to life! And since I love my sister so very much I kissed her cheek (not on the lips, because she has a cold and there was snot running down her nose..).
She sat up wearily saying, "I'm alive!" with a dramatic gasp. She hugged me tightly and thanked me.
She left me to go play somewhere else...but oh! That adventure made my chemistry pass so much faster with a lighter heart and a smile upon my lips.
Friday, January 24, 2014
24) Goals for next month
I plan on reading Les Misérables, going to the library at least twice, write, write, write, read, read, and read.
I plan on being caught up on all my school work, and understanding it all too...
I plan on coming up with a new story and FINISHING IT.
I plan on being well rested.
I plan on exercising a lot.
Now, you must realize that these are plans, and they probably will not be accomplished. But I can always plan on getting them done!
Next month on this blog I plan on finding a new picture every day and write a story, a piece of prose, or a poem to go along with it. So stay tuned!
I plan on being caught up on all my school work, and understanding it all too...
I plan on coming up with a new story and FINISHING IT.
I plan on being well rested.
I plan on exercising a lot.
Now, you must realize that these are plans, and they probably will not be accomplished. But I can always plan on getting them done!
Next month on this blog I plan on finding a new picture every day and write a story, a piece of prose, or a poem to go along with it. So stay tuned!
23) My most memorable vacation
It was last year, and we were on the road to California.
Dad had scheduled everything where we could travel so many miles per day, arrive in a particular city, and sleep in a booked hotel room. It was perfect. All our plans were perfect. All our tickets were bought. Every little thing was preplanned and accounted for.
What could go wrong?
Waaaaaayyyyyy out in Oklahoma our van died.
It was the middle of nowhere.
There were ity bity teeny tiny towns that had not a Kia Dealership in them.
What were we to do but just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming swimming swimming....
I think we were going 45 on the Interstate.
Out in Texas, we discovered that there was a Kia Dealership in Amarillo. Could we get there? We certainly would try!
Try as we might, the van decided to pucker out in a little ghost town, where the only hotel seemed to be gangster central.
Feeling mighty unsafe, yet extremely tired, we ventured into this musty habitation.
This was where we spent the night, in fear and trembling, awaiting our van to reboot, and then charging with all our might to Amarillo.
By now, our schedule was two days off. All of our plans in San Fransisco were to be cancelled. We had booked a tour of Alcatraz (which can only be done 6 months in advance!) as well as riding the trolleys....
And all our hotel reservations had to be undone.
We stayed in Amarillo for two days. We had no van. We had to eat in places within walking distance.
Mom and my big brother had to cross the interstate on foot to get to Target...
The hotel was very nice though. It had a fantastic swimming pool and a super fancy buffet for all the meals of the day!
Finally, our van was fixed and we could go on our way. We stopped by the Painted Desert, Petrified Forrest, and the Grand Canyon.
We got to Cali and a hotel that smelled like smoke. Since we had no itinerary, we were free as birds. We looked up tons of different things to do around San Fransisco and although we lost a bunch of money from missing those tours, we were still able to catch a boat tour around the Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz, and the San Fran shoreline. We went to a Japanese tea garden, walked around a big park in the middle of the city, drove across the Golden Gate, went to Pier 39, Ghirardelli Square, an awesome pirate store, a sourdough bread shop, and saw Lombard Street.
Although we missed everything we had planned, we had the time of our lives.
On our way home, we stopped by Sequoia and saw all the big trees.
In conclusion, it was incredibly relaxing exploring the city at our leisure, going at our own pace, and stopping by Ghirardelli Square as often as we liked...
It was incredibly memorable, despite not having seen Alcatraz. Maybe I'll add that to my bucket list. :-)
Dad had scheduled everything where we could travel so many miles per day, arrive in a particular city, and sleep in a booked hotel room. It was perfect. All our plans were perfect. All our tickets were bought. Every little thing was preplanned and accounted for.
What could go wrong?
Waaaaaayyyyyy out in Oklahoma our van died.
It was the middle of nowhere.
There were ity bity teeny tiny towns that had not a Kia Dealership in them.
What were we to do but just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming swimming swimming....
I think we were going 45 on the Interstate.
Out in Texas, we discovered that there was a Kia Dealership in Amarillo. Could we get there? We certainly would try!
Try as we might, the van decided to pucker out in a little ghost town, where the only hotel seemed to be gangster central.
Feeling mighty unsafe, yet extremely tired, we ventured into this musty habitation.
This was where we spent the night, in fear and trembling, awaiting our van to reboot, and then charging with all our might to Amarillo.
By now, our schedule was two days off. All of our plans in San Fransisco were to be cancelled. We had booked a tour of Alcatraz (which can only be done 6 months in advance!) as well as riding the trolleys....
And all our hotel reservations had to be undone.
We stayed in Amarillo for two days. We had no van. We had to eat in places within walking distance.
Mom and my big brother had to cross the interstate on foot to get to Target...
The hotel was very nice though. It had a fantastic swimming pool and a super fancy buffet for all the meals of the day!
Finally, our van was fixed and we could go on our way. We stopped by the Painted Desert, Petrified Forrest, and the Grand Canyon.
We got to Cali and a hotel that smelled like smoke. Since we had no itinerary, we were free as birds. We looked up tons of different things to do around San Fransisco and although we lost a bunch of money from missing those tours, we were still able to catch a boat tour around the Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz, and the San Fran shoreline. We went to a Japanese tea garden, walked around a big park in the middle of the city, drove across the Golden Gate, went to Pier 39, Ghirardelli Square, an awesome pirate store, a sourdough bread shop, and saw Lombard Street.

Although we missed everything we had planned, we had the time of our lives.
On our way home, we stopped by Sequoia and saw all the big trees.
In conclusion, it was incredibly relaxing exploring the city at our leisure, going at our own pace, and stopping by Ghirardelli Square as often as we liked...
It was incredibly memorable, despite not having seen Alcatraz. Maybe I'll add that to my bucket list. :-)
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
22) One thing that I have never done that most people have
I have never watched "The Sound of Music".
Don't look at me like that.
Don't look at me like that.
21) Someone who inspires me
It took a long time for me to think of someone. I don't really have a particular role model that I am specifically attached too. That is why it took me so long to post this post, one day late....oh well
But I came up with someone, rather random. But when I was reading my Bible a few months ago I came across this fantastic guy who made an invigorating speech. I really like his speech. It is a great speech. A really good speech. So cool...
Read it for yourself:
7 But Jephthah answered, “You hated me so much that you forced me to leave my father's house. Why come to me now that you're in trouble?”
8 They said to Jephthah, “We are turning to you now because we want you to go with us and fight the Ammonites and lead all the people of Gilead.”
9 Jephthah said to them, “If you take me back home to fight the Ammonites and the Lord gives me victory, I will be your ruler.”
10 They replied, “We agree. The Lord is our witness.” 11 So Jephthah went with the leaders of Gilead, and the people made him their ruler and leader. Jephthah stated his terms at Mizpah in the presence of the Lord.
12 Then Jephthah sent messengers to the king of Ammon to say, “What is your quarrel with us? Why have you invaded our country?”
13 The king of Ammon answered Jephthah's messengers, “When the Israelites came out of Egypt, they took away my land from the Arnon River to the Jabbok River and the Jordan River. Now you must give it back peacefully.”
14 Jephthah sent messengers back to the king of Ammon 15 with this answer: “It is not true that Israel took away the land of Moab or the land of Ammon. 16 This is what happened: when the Israelites left Egypt, they went through the desert to the Gulf of Aqaba and came to Kadesh. 17 Then they sent messengers to the king of Edom to ask permission to go through his land. But the king of Edom would not let them. They also asked the king of Moab, but neither would he let them go through his land. So the Israelites stayed at Kadesh. 18 Then they went on through the desert, going around the land of Edom and the land of Moab until they came to the east side of Moab, on the other side of the Arnon River. They camped there, but they did not cross the Arnon because it was the boundary of Moab. 19 Then the Israelites sent messengers to Sihon, the Amorite king of Heshbon, and asked him for permission to go through his country to their own land. 20 But Sihon would not let Israel do it. He brought his whole army together, camped at Jahaz, and attacked Israel. 21 But the Lord, the God of Israel, gave the Israelites victory over Sihon and his army. So the Israelites took possession of all the territory of the Amorites who lived in that country. 22 They occupied all the Amorite territory from the Arnon in the south to the Jabbok in the north and from the desert on the east to the Jordan on the west. 23 So it was the Lord, the God of Israel, who drove out the Amorites for his people, the Israelites. 24 Are you going to try to take it back? You can keep whatever your god Chemosh has given you. But we are going to keep everything that the Lord, our God, has taken for us. 25 Do you think you are any better than Balak son of Zippor, king of Moab? He never challenged Israel, did he? Did he ever go to war against us? 26 For three hundred years Israel has occupied Heshbon and Aroer, and the towns around them, and all the cities on the banks of the Arnon River. Why haven't you taken them back in all this time? 27 No, I have not done you any wrong. You are doing wrong by making war on me. The Lord is the judge. He will decide today between the Israelites and the Ammonites.” 28 But the king of Ammon paid no attention to this message from Jephthah.
29 Then the spirit of the Lord came upon Jephthah. He went through Gilead and Manasseh and returned to Mizpah in Gilead and went on to Ammon. 30 Jephthah promised the Lord: “If you will give me victory over the Ammonites, 31 I will burn as an offering the first person that comes out of my house to meet me, when I come back from the victory. I will offer that person to you as a sacrifice.”
32 So Jephthah crossed the river to fight the Ammonites, and the Lord gave him victory. 33 He struck at them from Aroer to the area around Minnith, twenty cities in all, and as far as Abel Keramim. There was a great slaughter, and the Ammonites were defeated by Israel.
Of course, he was human and had flaws, but he rose up from a lousy past and conquered the Ammonites. Wow, I can't get over the amazingness! God uses the most interesting people...
But I came up with someone, rather random. But when I was reading my Bible a few months ago I came across this fantastic guy who made an invigorating speech. I really like his speech. It is a great speech. A really good speech. So cool...
Read it for yourself:
Judges 11
Good News Translation (GNT)
11 Jephthah, a brave soldier from Gilead, was the son of a prostitute. His father Gilead 2 had
other sons by his wife, and when they grew up, they forced Jephthah to
leave home. They told him, “You will not inherit anything from our
father; you are the son of another woman.” 3 Jephthah
fled from his brothers and lived in the land of Tob. There he attracted
a group of worthless men, and they went around with him.
4 It was some time later that the Ammonites went to war against Israel. 5 When this happened, the leaders of Gilead went to bring Jephthah back from the land of Tob. 6 They told him, “Come and lead us, so that we can fight the Ammonites.”7 But Jephthah answered, “You hated me so much that you forced me to leave my father's house. Why come to me now that you're in trouble?”
8 They said to Jephthah, “We are turning to you now because we want you to go with us and fight the Ammonites and lead all the people of Gilead.”
9 Jephthah said to them, “If you take me back home to fight the Ammonites and the Lord gives me victory, I will be your ruler.”
10 They replied, “We agree. The Lord is our witness.” 11 So Jephthah went with the leaders of Gilead, and the people made him their ruler and leader. Jephthah stated his terms at Mizpah in the presence of the Lord.
12 Then Jephthah sent messengers to the king of Ammon to say, “What is your quarrel with us? Why have you invaded our country?”
13 The king of Ammon answered Jephthah's messengers, “When the Israelites came out of Egypt, they took away my land from the Arnon River to the Jabbok River and the Jordan River. Now you must give it back peacefully.”
14 Jephthah sent messengers back to the king of Ammon 15 with this answer: “It is not true that Israel took away the land of Moab or the land of Ammon. 16 This is what happened: when the Israelites left Egypt, they went through the desert to the Gulf of Aqaba and came to Kadesh. 17 Then they sent messengers to the king of Edom to ask permission to go through his land. But the king of Edom would not let them. They also asked the king of Moab, but neither would he let them go through his land. So the Israelites stayed at Kadesh. 18 Then they went on through the desert, going around the land of Edom and the land of Moab until they came to the east side of Moab, on the other side of the Arnon River. They camped there, but they did not cross the Arnon because it was the boundary of Moab. 19 Then the Israelites sent messengers to Sihon, the Amorite king of Heshbon, and asked him for permission to go through his country to their own land. 20 But Sihon would not let Israel do it. He brought his whole army together, camped at Jahaz, and attacked Israel. 21 But the Lord, the God of Israel, gave the Israelites victory over Sihon and his army. So the Israelites took possession of all the territory of the Amorites who lived in that country. 22 They occupied all the Amorite territory from the Arnon in the south to the Jabbok in the north and from the desert on the east to the Jordan on the west. 23 So it was the Lord, the God of Israel, who drove out the Amorites for his people, the Israelites. 24 Are you going to try to take it back? You can keep whatever your god Chemosh has given you. But we are going to keep everything that the Lord, our God, has taken for us. 25 Do you think you are any better than Balak son of Zippor, king of Moab? He never challenged Israel, did he? Did he ever go to war against us? 26 For three hundred years Israel has occupied Heshbon and Aroer, and the towns around them, and all the cities on the banks of the Arnon River. Why haven't you taken them back in all this time? 27 No, I have not done you any wrong. You are doing wrong by making war on me. The Lord is the judge. He will decide today between the Israelites and the Ammonites.” 28 But the king of Ammon paid no attention to this message from Jephthah.
29 Then the spirit of the Lord came upon Jephthah. He went through Gilead and Manasseh and returned to Mizpah in Gilead and went on to Ammon. 30 Jephthah promised the Lord: “If you will give me victory over the Ammonites, 31 I will burn as an offering the first person that comes out of my house to meet me, when I come back from the victory. I will offer that person to you as a sacrifice.”
32 So Jephthah crossed the river to fight the Ammonites, and the Lord gave him victory. 33 He struck at them from Aroer to the area around Minnith, twenty cities in all, and as far as Abel Keramim. There was a great slaughter, and the Ammonites were defeated by Israel.
Of course, he was human and had flaws, but he rose up from a lousy past and conquered the Ammonites. Wow, I can't get over the amazingness! God uses the most interesting people...
Monday, January 20, 2014
20) Five things I am passionate about
I am passionate about my Christian walk with God. I am determined to always follow in His ways and to become a godly lady.

I am passionate about my writing.

I am passionate about reading books. Good wholesome books to fill my brain with knowledge and inspiring stories.

I am passionate about chocolate and tea.

I am passionate about being a princess. I want to be a true princess. It doesn't matter if I don't have a title or anything, but I make it my aim to train myself in the ways of a lady, have a castle, and marry a gentleman.

I am passionate about my writing.

I am passionate about reading books. Good wholesome books to fill my brain with knowledge and inspiring stories.
I am passionate about chocolate and tea.

I am passionate about being a princess. I want to be a true princess. It doesn't matter if I don't have a title or anything, but I make it my aim to train myself in the ways of a lady, have a castle, and marry a gentleman.

Sunday, January 19, 2014
19) What is in my bag
What a strange topic. Oh well. Get ready for a purse tour! Buckle up and hold on tight!
My bag contains multiple items such as the usual empty wallet, key chain that has more key chains than keys...and chapstick. Sometimes I carry around lip gloss, but I really find no point to it. All it does is make my lips look shiny for ten minutes, then it gets smeared on my cheek, then in the end, my lips are chapped and look worse than before...ugh
There are some pain killers, a compact mirror, a Swiss army knife, and my beaten up, ancient cell phone.
I have at least five pens in there at all times, all of them different colors. I have four notebooks regularly, and a fifth one is sometimes in there...(I never can know what might pop into my head at any given moment, so I'll have to have my 'tidbits' notebook, my 'poetry' notebook, my 'lessons learned' notebook, my 'random inspiring thoughts' notebook, and then 'whatever story I am presently working on' notebook).
I generally carry around teabags just in case...
I used to have a roll of tape, but then I used it all up and never bought any more, which is a sad case, because I have needed it and have been without.
I have tissues in case I randomly get a bloody nose...which has happened rather frequently for some odd reason.
I have an LED booklight.
Most of the time I have my Bible.
And sometimes my iPod.
And that's about it.
You are probably thinking that I lug around a suitcase. But I don't. I just stole Mary Poppins' bag.
My bag contains multiple items such as the usual empty wallet, key chain that has more key chains than keys...and chapstick. Sometimes I carry around lip gloss, but I really find no point to it. All it does is make my lips look shiny for ten minutes, then it gets smeared on my cheek, then in the end, my lips are chapped and look worse than before...ugh
There are some pain killers, a compact mirror, a Swiss army knife, and my beaten up, ancient cell phone.
I have at least five pens in there at all times, all of them different colors. I have four notebooks regularly, and a fifth one is sometimes in there...(I never can know what might pop into my head at any given moment, so I'll have to have my 'tidbits' notebook, my 'poetry' notebook, my 'lessons learned' notebook, my 'random inspiring thoughts' notebook, and then 'whatever story I am presently working on' notebook).
I generally carry around teabags just in case...
I used to have a roll of tape, but then I used it all up and never bought any more, which is a sad case, because I have needed it and have been without.
I have tissues in case I randomly get a bloody nose...which has happened rather frequently for some odd reason.
I have an LED booklight.
Most of the time I have my Bible.
And sometimes my iPod.
And that's about it.
You are probably thinking that I lug around a suitcase. But I don't. I just stole Mary Poppins' bag.

Saturday, January 18, 2014
18) Someone I miss
It seems like I have written about this topic before. But I will gladly do it again.
I miss my darling Hannah. She has been away at college, two hours away from me. We share a love for Owl City...and that's about all we have in common. But boy! do I love her! She is so much fun and so lovable! We have been through so much together (Haiti, prom, difficult periods of life...), that it is difficult not seeing her as much as I used too.
I miss the lovely Sarah. Who is also at college, but is five hours away from me. She and I both have a passion for writing, and I give credit to her because she inspired me to start a blog! I met her at summer camp and we have spent less than a total of three weeks together (three weeks out of our entire lives...). But we kept up with each other through phone calls, texting, emailing, and such. She was a prom date of mine...(She and Hannah were both my dates.Sarah drove five hours from her house to mine just to go to prom with me xD I also was asked by a boy, but I told him---well I should save this story another time...).
I miss Anna, even though she lives 20 minutes away from me. She used to go to my school, but now she goes to a college far across town and I rarely see her anymore. She has a job that makes her work on Sunday mornings, therefore she can't go to church too often.
She is a fellow ninja, and is Asian, and is amazing. She has the bestest humor ever, and is in love with Cheese-its.
I miss my darling Hannah. She has been away at college, two hours away from me. We share a love for Owl City...and that's about all we have in common. But boy! do I love her! She is so much fun and so lovable! We have been through so much together (Haiti, prom, difficult periods of life...), that it is difficult not seeing her as much as I used too.
I miss the lovely Sarah. Who is also at college, but is five hours away from me. She and I both have a passion for writing, and I give credit to her because she inspired me to start a blog! I met her at summer camp and we have spent less than a total of three weeks together (three weeks out of our entire lives...). But we kept up with each other through phone calls, texting, emailing, and such. She was a prom date of mine...(She and Hannah were both my dates.Sarah drove five hours from her house to mine just to go to prom with me xD I also was asked by a boy, but I told him---well I should save this story another time...).
I miss Anna, even though she lives 20 minutes away from me. She used to go to my school, but now she goes to a college far across town and I rarely see her anymore. She has a job that makes her work on Sunday mornings, therefore she can't go to church too often.
She is a fellow ninja, and is Asian, and is amazing. She has the bestest humor ever, and is in love with Cheese-its.
Friday, January 17, 2014
16) Something I regret not doing in the last year
I regret not spending enough time in prayer, in sweet communion with God.
I regret not reading enough books and watching too many movies. I regret paying for all those movie tickets, when I could have freely borrowed a book from the library. I regret spending more time in the theater than in the library.
I regret not spending enough time with my siblings. I regret not playing with them when they ask. I regret not telling them a story when they asked.
I regret not finishing my homework everyday when I was supposed to.
I regret not writing enough.
I regret not reading enough books and watching too many movies. I regret paying for all those movie tickets, when I could have freely borrowed a book from the library. I regret spending more time in the theater than in the library.
I regret not spending enough time with my siblings. I regret not playing with them when they ask. I regret not telling them a story when they asked.
I regret not finishing my homework everyday when I was supposed to.
I regret not writing enough.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
14) My Relationship to Food
Well, if I had to talk about this...then I would say something along these lines:
Chocolate (Lindor truffles, brownies, Hersheys Kisses, Chocolate milk, Hot Chocolate...), if he was a person, or I a food...we would be happily married in sweet, sweet harmony...
Tea (Earl Grey, Green, Bohemian wild berry...) and coffee with TONS of creamer. My two bestest friends. There for me in trials and there for me in boredom. There for me when I don't need her; there for me when I do.
Pizza, apples and peanut butter (or apples and cheese), cookies, cake, potatoes-including but not limited to: baked potatoes, french fries, sweet potato fries, potato chips, potato soup, and hash browns; cinnamon rolls, strawberries, mangoes, avocados, oatmeal, hummus, crunchy peanut butter. almonds, grilled salmon, cheese, grilled asparagus, grilled cheese sandwiches, tomato soup, fresh baby spinach salad, spaghetti, blueberries, nutella, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, pistachios, grapes, carrots, chicken nuggets, juicy juice...etc. etc. These affiliates are good friends and/or coworkers. We share nothing too deep, but are companionable.
Green Beans, Celery, peas, boiled spinach, grits, and slimy things or gritty things that are distasteful...These are my enemies and I despise them.
Chocolate (Lindor truffles, brownies, Hersheys Kisses, Chocolate milk, Hot Chocolate...), if he was a person, or I a food...we would be happily married in sweet, sweet harmony...
Tea (Earl Grey, Green, Bohemian wild berry...) and coffee with TONS of creamer. My two bestest friends. There for me in trials and there for me in boredom. There for me when I don't need her; there for me when I do.
Pizza, apples and peanut butter (or apples and cheese), cookies, cake, potatoes-including but not limited to: baked potatoes, french fries, sweet potato fries, potato chips, potato soup, and hash browns; cinnamon rolls, strawberries, mangoes, avocados, oatmeal, hummus, crunchy peanut butter. almonds, grilled salmon, cheese, grilled asparagus, grilled cheese sandwiches, tomato soup, fresh baby spinach salad, spaghetti, blueberries, nutella, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, pistachios, grapes, carrots, chicken nuggets, juicy juice...etc. etc. These affiliates are good friends and/or coworkers. We share nothing too deep, but are companionable.
Green Beans, Celery, peas, boiled spinach, grits, and slimy things or gritty things that are distasteful...These are my enemies and I despise them.
Monday, January 13, 2014
13) Someone I want to meet
I've always wanted to meet Adam and Eve. I want to know what the first ever people were like and how they saw the world. I've always wondered what they talked about or how they thought. Did their minds start like a child's? I'm sure they had all the wonder and delight a child has when they discover something new and wonderful.
Were they mature? They had no previous experience with anything at all. But they did have the greatest Teacher in the world, all to themselves. I'm sure God taught them everything they needed to know, and let them discover some things for themselves.
I can't help but imagine what it was like for them to be the first parents in the world.
Adam: Wow, honey, you seem to have gained some weight over these past few months. Is everything okay?
Eve: *slaps him*
Enter God
God: You are going to have a baby. This is completely normal. It's going to be painful, because of the curse you have put upon yourself, but it will be worth it. Babies are small, soft, and beautiful.
Eve: What is a *difficulty remembering the word, so she mispronounces it* behy-bEE?
God: A baby is a small person, like you. He will not know anything, therefore you must protect him, care for him, and teach him everything.
Adam: You mean, there is going to be more people?
God: Yes, I have given you dominion over this earth. I want you to populate it with your descendants.
Adam: But you made us. How are we supposed to make more people?
A few months later:
Adam: *hesitantly* It looks like you swallowed a watermelon.
Eve: I don't feel so good...
A week later:
Eve: Adam, my stomach is cramping
Adam: That's weird. I always get cramps in my calves.
Adam: Hey look! A behy-bEE!
Six years pass:
Adam: Hey, Cain try this fruit. I call it- "Mango"
Cain *takes bite of mango and begins to wail*: MY TOOTH! *The tooth falls out*
Adam is flabbergasted and has no idea what to do
Cain and Adam in union: MOM!
I told all of this to my big brother and he told me that God probably taught them how to take of their kids and told them what to expect and everything...
But who knows for sure? I just find it fun to think about meeting the first people on earth and hearing all their stories.
Imagine the first stories on earth! I bet those would be cool to hear from Adam and Eve's perspective. I'd like to know all the personal tidbits from them. How they felt, what they were thinking, and everything...
Were they mature? They had no previous experience with anything at all. But they did have the greatest Teacher in the world, all to themselves. I'm sure God taught them everything they needed to know, and let them discover some things for themselves.
I can't help but imagine what it was like for them to be the first parents in the world.
Adam: Wow, honey, you seem to have gained some weight over these past few months. Is everything okay?
Eve: *slaps him*
Enter God
God: You are going to have a baby. This is completely normal. It's going to be painful, because of the curse you have put upon yourself, but it will be worth it. Babies are small, soft, and beautiful.
Eve: What is a *difficulty remembering the word, so she mispronounces it* behy-bEE?
God: A baby is a small person, like you. He will not know anything, therefore you must protect him, care for him, and teach him everything.
Adam: You mean, there is going to be more people?
God: Yes, I have given you dominion over this earth. I want you to populate it with your descendants.
Adam: But you made us. How are we supposed to make more people?
A few months later:
Adam: *hesitantly* It looks like you swallowed a watermelon.
Eve: I don't feel so good...
A week later:
Eve: Adam, my stomach is cramping
Adam: That's weird. I always get cramps in my calves.
Adam: Hey look! A behy-bEE!
Six years pass:
Adam: Hey, Cain try this fruit. I call it- "Mango"
Cain *takes bite of mango and begins to wail*: MY TOOTH! *The tooth falls out*
Adam is flabbergasted and has no idea what to do
Cain and Adam in union: MOM!
I told all of this to my big brother and he told me that God probably taught them how to take of their kids and told them what to expect and everything...
But who knows for sure? I just find it fun to think about meeting the first people on earth and hearing all their stories.
Imagine the first stories on earth! I bet those would be cool to hear from Adam and Eve's perspective. I'd like to know all the personal tidbits from them. How they felt, what they were thinking, and everything...
Sunday, January 12, 2014
12) Something I miss
These are places I miss. I can't miss any thing because I keep everything. Literally, EVERYTHING. So I only miss places I've been, people I've met, and feelings I've had.
Freeport, Maine
This town was one of those 'park-your-car-get-out-and-walk' kinds of towns. It was beautiful and it contained my most favorite place in the entire universe: The Lindt factory! Creamy Chocolate Truffles. That is the place of my dreams, where I go to cease my weeping, to indulge in the assorted flavors of beautiful chocolate...
Brunswick, Maine
We lived there once upon a time. Five minutes away from my best friend, Kendra. We went camping a lot together. Her mom was the one who got my mom into homeschooling.
In Brunswick, we were a bike ride away from Dunkin Doughnut, the library, downtown, and the park. That was a beautiful town.
Oh Maine. The smell of the sea...the lobsters....the crisp Atlantic breeze...the pretty little cities...the board walks....the hiking....the camping...the chocolate...
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Our apartment by the beach.
My Friends Caitlin and Lené.
The Silver Diner. A wonderful place. I forget the food, I only remember getting one of those cardboard cars that were all classy and fun. I could fit my Barbies in them perfectly...That place was great.
The Purple Cow. Purple milkshakes were found there..as well as delicious burgers! It was also a very classy place. It was a diner too.
The heat. The plantain trees. The kids. The ocean. (Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink...)
The smells, even the gross ones, I miss them all. The fried plantains. Rose Myrtha. The church. The school.
The mission house.
My Childhood
I miss the innocence, imagination, time, dolls, play time, and the sheer delight of being young and carefree.
Freeport, Maine
This town was one of those 'park-your-car-get-out-and-walk' kinds of towns. It was beautiful and it contained my most favorite place in the entire universe: The Lindt factory! Creamy Chocolate Truffles. That is the place of my dreams, where I go to cease my weeping, to indulge in the assorted flavors of beautiful chocolate...
Brunswick, Maine
We lived there once upon a time. Five minutes away from my best friend, Kendra. We went camping a lot together. Her mom was the one who got my mom into homeschooling.
In Brunswick, we were a bike ride away from Dunkin Doughnut, the library, downtown, and the park. That was a beautiful town.
Oh Maine. The smell of the sea...the lobsters....the crisp Atlantic breeze...the pretty little cities...the board walks....the hiking....the camping...the chocolate...
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Our apartment by the beach.
My Friends Caitlin and Lené.
The Silver Diner. A wonderful place. I forget the food, I only remember getting one of those cardboard cars that were all classy and fun. I could fit my Barbies in them perfectly...That place was great.
The Purple Cow. Purple milkshakes were found there..as well as delicious burgers! It was also a very classy place. It was a diner too.
The heat. The plantain trees. The kids. The ocean. (Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink...)
The smells, even the gross ones, I miss them all. The fried plantains. Rose Myrtha. The church. The school.
The mission house.
My Childhood
I miss the innocence, imagination, time, dolls, play time, and the sheer delight of being young and carefree.
11) Something Unusual
I'll tell you what is unusual. My geography textbook. That one is an odd little berry. I read it and as I go through the chapter on America and all the states, the only thing I learn about is which states were involved in the Civil War and what the population statistics are. It is uninformative about any geography features whatsoever.
Sure, it tells me that the Piedmont runs through the northern states, but it does not tell me exactly what the Piedmont is.
I do know that America is in the middle latitudes and that most of the East has a moderate climate. But what do I know of the rivers? What do I know of the mountains? What do I know of the plains and hills? What do I know of the culture? Nothing.
As my elder brother put it so plainly, "You read, 'Idaho is well known for its potatoes.'" and in the Section Review pages, "What mountain range is in Idaho?" .........................................Potatoes?
Sure, it tells me that the Piedmont runs through the northern states, but it does not tell me exactly what the Piedmont is.
I do know that America is in the middle latitudes and that most of the East has a moderate climate. But what do I know of the rivers? What do I know of the mountains? What do I know of the plains and hills? What do I know of the culture? Nothing.
As my elder brother put it so plainly, "You read, 'Idaho is well known for its potatoes.'" and in the Section Review pages, "What mountain range is in Idaho?" .........................................Potatoes?
Friday, January 10, 2014
10) The Weather
It's chilly and overcast
The warm and sun are in the past
It's January
It's melancholy
I miss you summer breeze
I miss adventure by the seas
I wish I was somewhere warm
Maybe listening to a summer storm
But since it's cold as ice
These sweaters are nice
Yet the three that I'm wearing-
I cannot move, they're overbearing
Winter clothes are pretty, summer's are better
Swim suits let me get cooler and wetter
I don't mind all of the sweatyness
It beats all the shivering-...ness? (What?..my confusion beats yours.)
See my dilemma?
Winter clothes are pretty, summer's are better
Swim suits let me get cooler and wetter
I don't mind all the sweat
Although, you probably do, I bet
I'm drinking green tea and eating a muffin
Trying to rhyme better than my puffin
So I don't have a pet puffin, but you wouldn't know
Except that I told you so
And this poem keeps getting better and better
Now I'm going to rhyme that with fetter
And look up the word, since I forgot its meaning
And that's straight from Google, it's seeming
And should I end this poem or not
What is it about, I already forgot
Oh yes, about weather and all of its dullness
Here we go again with those "ess" words
I'm done now.. thank you very much.
The warm and sun are in the past
It's January
It's melancholy
I miss you summer breeze
I miss adventure by the seas
I wish I was somewhere warm
Maybe listening to a summer storm
But since it's cold as ice
These sweaters are nice
Yet the three that I'm wearing-
I cannot move, they're overbearing
Winter clothes are pretty, summer's are better
Swim suits let me get cooler and wetter
I don't mind all of the sweatyness
It beats all the shivering-...ness? (What?..my confusion beats yours.)
See my dilemma?
Winter clothes are pretty, summer's are better
Swim suits let me get cooler and wetter
I don't mind all the sweat
Although, you probably do, I bet
I'm drinking green tea and eating a muffin
Trying to rhyme better than my puffin
So I don't have a pet puffin, but you wouldn't know
Except that I told you so
And this poem keeps getting better and better
Now I'm going to rhyme that with fetter
And look up the word, since I forgot its meaning
noun: fetter; plural noun: fetters
- 1.a chain or manacle used to restrain a prisoner, typically placed around the ankles."he lay bound with fetters of iron"
synonyms: shackles, manacles, handcuffs, irons, leg irons, chains, restraints; More - a restraint or check on someone's freedom to do something, typically one considered unfair or overly restrictive."the fetters of discipline and caution"
verb: fetter; 3rd person present: fetters; past tense: fettered; past participle: fettered; gerund or present participle: fettering
restrain with chains or manacles, typically around the ankles.
"a ragged and fettered prisoner"
synonyms: | shackle, manacle, handcuff, clap in irons, put in chains, chain (up); |
And that's straight from Google, it's seeming
And should I end this poem or not
What is it about, I already forgot
Oh yes, about weather and all of its dullness
Here we go again with those "ess" words
I'm done now.. thank you very much.
Thursday, January 9, 2014
9) My favorite thing to do right now
Smiling is my favorite!
Not really, that's just what today's challenge makes me think of. Ha ha.
But I do like to smile. Just not always. Sometimes I stop smiling. But then I can still be happy. A strange kind of happy, such as contentment. That is a marvelous kind of happy, one that doesn't necessarily come with a smile.
Am I content, though?
The feeling comes and goes. It is a delightful feeling that makes one happy and in want of nothing too splendid.
Maybe contentment is my favorite.
Perhaps being happy is.
I suppose that is the answer then. My favorite thing is to be content. For with contentment comes all sorts of things. I can be content when I am sad, melancholy, happy, joyful, excited, hysterical, and emotional. I can be content anywhere I am whether it be alone in the dark, piled up on our tiny couch with all five other people in my family, in a swimming pool with my friends, cooking with my mom, washing my neighbor's car with the neighbor's kids, writing in my frigid lair, curling up with a book in a comfortable nook, playing doll house with my sister, telling my little brother another Baba story (I shall have to post one someday...they are quite entertaining..), or being very content lying on a hospital bed being as still as possible so as not to feel the IV that is on my arm (I did that when I had an IV. I couldn't feel it when I was being still, so I was incredibly content to STAY STILL. And I wasn't so content when a nurse jostled the bed).
Now please. I don't really know if anyone but the darling Margaret reads any of this, but if you do and if you are real, comment below. Tell me what your favorite thing is! I would like to know!
Not really, that's just what today's challenge makes me think of. Ha ha.
But I do like to smile. Just not always. Sometimes I stop smiling. But then I can still be happy. A strange kind of happy, such as contentment. That is a marvelous kind of happy, one that doesn't necessarily come with a smile.
Am I content, though?
The feeling comes and goes. It is a delightful feeling that makes one happy and in want of nothing too splendid.
Maybe contentment is my favorite.
Perhaps being happy is.
I suppose that is the answer then. My favorite thing is to be content. For with contentment comes all sorts of things. I can be content when I am sad, melancholy, happy, joyful, excited, hysterical, and emotional. I can be content anywhere I am whether it be alone in the dark, piled up on our tiny couch with all five other people in my family, in a swimming pool with my friends, cooking with my mom, washing my neighbor's car with the neighbor's kids, writing in my frigid lair, curling up with a book in a comfortable nook, playing doll house with my sister, telling my little brother another Baba story (I shall have to post one someday...they are quite entertaining..), or being very content lying on a hospital bed being as still as possible so as not to feel the IV that is on my arm (I did that when I had an IV. I couldn't feel it when I was being still, so I was incredibly content to STAY STILL. And I wasn't so content when a nurse jostled the bed).
Now please. I don't really know if anyone but the darling Margaret reads any of this, but if you do and if you are real, comment below. Tell me what your favorite thing is! I would like to know!
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
8) five things from my bucket list
Today I must tell you about five things from my bucket list. Yet, I must confess that list I made of things to do before my next birthday had a few points from my bucket list...actually, all those things were from my bucket list. But I suppose I could come up with five more things.
Yes, yes, I can! Here we go!
1.Be fluent in another language, preferably a Latin based one...
2. Travel! I want to go to back to Japan. I want to go back to Haiti. (I'm pretty okay with not going back to Canada.) I want to go to the Caribbean. I want to go on a tour of Europe, Spain, Italy, England, France, Portugal, Sweden, and all those lovely places. Not one of those planned out tours that you have to keep to a schedule and keep up with a group. No, I want to explore that place on my own, taking as much time as I need for the exciting places and having personal adventures out of the blue. I want to meet the normal people. I want to roam and experience things, not just see them. And possibly live somewhere overseas too at some point in life.
3. Get an Oscar...It doesn't really matter which one. Preferably for best actress...and you know this also means that I would be in a movie-which is also on my bucket list!
Oh and it also come with fame...(that's on there too)
And probably money...
SO all that is covered.
4. Go white water rafting!
5. Be a famous writer. Not one of those famous people whom everyone hates and talks ugly about, but one of those people who makes people smile. I want to be inspiring to the world. I want to be a good role model. I want to influence people to do good things.
Yes, yes, I can! Here we go!
1.Be fluent in another language, preferably a Latin based one...
2. Travel! I want to go to back to Japan. I want to go back to Haiti. (I'm pretty okay with not going back to Canada.) I want to go to the Caribbean. I want to go on a tour of Europe, Spain, Italy, England, France, Portugal, Sweden, and all those lovely places. Not one of those planned out tours that you have to keep to a schedule and keep up with a group. No, I want to explore that place on my own, taking as much time as I need for the exciting places and having personal adventures out of the blue. I want to meet the normal people. I want to roam and experience things, not just see them. And possibly live somewhere overseas too at some point in life.
3. Get an Oscar...It doesn't really matter which one. Preferably for best actress...and you know this also means that I would be in a movie-which is also on my bucket list!
Oh and it also come with fame...(that's on there too)
And probably money...
SO all that is covered.
4. Go white water rafting!
5. Be a famous writer. Not one of those famous people whom everyone hates and talks ugly about, but one of those people who makes people smile. I want to be inspiring to the world. I want to be a good role model. I want to influence people to do good things.
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
A small scene I just wrote. I don't know if it's good or not. It is a conversation between a girl and her gentleman friend. He loves her more dearly than a friendship can withstand, but she tells him of another who holds her heart.
"Why are you still writing to him if he left you for something 'grander'?"
"If you are trying to imply that he is replacing me, he did not. He merely chose his wings and I chose my roots. He asked me to come along, but I would never have been able to bear leaving." She glanced into the other room at her family, reading by the fireplace.
"Didn't you love him?" He pressed her.
"Of course."She replied softly. "I still do."
"And you let him go like this? You said he would never come back. Don't you feel abandoned?" His voice grew harder as he became more and more irritated.
"No." She breathed out in an exasperated sigh, "I urged him to follow his dreams. I wanted him to have the life he had always dreamed of. I will never let him go either. Our letters may come and go at slower paces. We may run out of things to tell each other or discuss. We may never see each other again. But until we have nothing left to say, until the letters truly end, and until I know he is sure never to return to this place, I will never give him up and I will never consider another man." She stated this as firmly as she could muster, "So please stop trying so diligently to win my heart. You will get nowhere in a race that has already been won. I hate to see you waste your time and energy for something you could never possibly gain."
He looked at her, the hardness falling gently from his face, "I'll stop. But I'll wait. When there is nothing else for him to say and when there aren't any more letters for you to receive, know that I'll always have my arms open for you." He squeezed her hand before he stood up to leave. And as he was departing he pressed his lips to her head, with a tear in his eye.
She shut her eyes tightly so that he would be unable to see the pain or the tears she was trying to hide.
He softly shut the door behind him.
The letters never stopped. They came faithfully along with fresh news of the world abroad and pleadings for her companionship.She replied earnestly, telling him she was waiting for him to come home, but he waited forever for her to find her wings.
The End
"Why are you still writing to him if he left you for something 'grander'?"
"If you are trying to imply that he is replacing me, he did not. He merely chose his wings and I chose my roots. He asked me to come along, but I would never have been able to bear leaving." She glanced into the other room at her family, reading by the fireplace.
"Didn't you love him?" He pressed her.
"Of course."She replied softly. "I still do."
"And you let him go like this? You said he would never come back. Don't you feel abandoned?" His voice grew harder as he became more and more irritated.
"No." She breathed out in an exasperated sigh, "I urged him to follow his dreams. I wanted him to have the life he had always dreamed of. I will never let him go either. Our letters may come and go at slower paces. We may run out of things to tell each other or discuss. We may never see each other again. But until we have nothing left to say, until the letters truly end, and until I know he is sure never to return to this place, I will never give him up and I will never consider another man." She stated this as firmly as she could muster, "So please stop trying so diligently to win my heart. You will get nowhere in a race that has already been won. I hate to see you waste your time and energy for something you could never possibly gain."
He looked at her, the hardness falling gently from his face, "I'll stop. But I'll wait. When there is nothing else for him to say and when there aren't any more letters for you to receive, know that I'll always have my arms open for you." He squeezed her hand before he stood up to leave. And as he was departing he pressed his lips to her head, with a tear in his eye.
She shut her eyes tightly so that he would be unable to see the pain or the tears she was trying to hide.
He softly shut the door behind him.
The letters never stopped. They came faithfully along with fresh news of the world abroad and pleadings for her companionship.She replied earnestly, telling him she was waiting for him to come home, but he waited forever for her to find her wings.
The End
7) Siblings
Siblings are marvelous creations most of the time…It’s true.
And the least of the time when they are not marvelous creations, well, I feel I
need not explain myself.
I have three fabulous siblings. They are funny, cute,
entertaining, and smart.
My youngest sister is four years old and a perfect princess.
She is beautiful, kind, and encouraging. She loves to dance and sing and be the most
adorable baby on the planet. (Yes, she is four and we still call her “Baby”)
My little brother, who is six, is the one whom I call my
favorite (but I really love them all the same). He likes to make up jokes,
which usually don’t make any sense, but we laugh at them just to make him feel
important, or because the jokes are just plain goofy. He likes to wear camouflage
and pretend that he is an army man. He also has a Captain America Halloween costume
that he plays in. He is the most adorable knight in shining armor too. He likes
his swords and his guns.
His is also a pure genius. He puts these wild creations,
ranging from a big city, a tractor, a helicopter, or a lobster car (I don’t
really know how to explain that one-it just happened and was amazing) that he
builds out of Legos or K-nex. They always turn out fabulous. So much more than
most of us could ever hope to achieve with those meager building blocks. But he
has a way of making little things more exciting, and that’s not just with his
toys-but in life as well.
Here is a story I must share: Just the other day he lost his first tooth.
It was quite amusing.
At lunch yesterday, he asked me for a bite of my mango. So I
gave him a piece.
Of course, when he wants to try something new (a rare
occasion) something devastating happens.
His first bite of the fruit, I had explicitly told him not
to bite the skin, he bites the skin. His front bottom tooth turned seventy-five
degrees sideways and he freaked out.
He cried and wailed and wouldn’t close his mouth (he drooled
all over the floor). It was incredibly humorous, despite his obvious distress.
But we congratulated him quite a bit. He calmed down once he
realized that this was a natural occurrence in life and became exceedingly glad that he was going to grow new “big boy
He never finished that mango, or the rest of his lunch. He
swore he would never eat again until he had completely lost his tooth.
We encouraged him to wiggle it out. So he did. Thankfully
before dinner time.
Now we come to my big brother, whom I love most dearly. My
mother once said that we never quarrel. That is true. He and I are like peas
and carrots. He is the one that inspired me to become a writer. He is the one
whom I look up to for most things. He is the one I ask for advice for on most things.
I don’t know what I’d do without him.
Another thing that makes him awesome is that he’s Asian, and
really good at math, unlike myself. So he could be referenced to as my own
personal calculator. Or my savior when
it comes to video games. Or my hero in anything else awesome that I am unlikely
to be good at and he usually is.
Monday, January 6, 2014
6) Someone who does not live in my country
Ahh this be hard. I've met so many people! I've been to Japan, Canada, Haiti, and California...
Yes, that was a joke. You may laugh. Even you, Margaret.
Let's see...I think I will talk about a Haitian, as that is where I have last been too and met so many lovely people there.
There were so many of them! But here are a few who stole my heart:
Rose Myrtha. This is a beautiful young lady who works at a mission house in Guittan, Haiti. She helps prepare meals and loves to smile. She has a delightful sense of humor and is always kind. She never ceases to laugh, hug, or make one feel welcome in her home. She is always eager to teach anyone what she knows about cooking or a place she had been or the languages she spoke.
Rose Myrtha always looks lovely, and is the belle anywhere she is, no matter what clothes she is wearing. Her beauty lies in her eyes, which are always shining, and in her soul, which is always singing. She likes pretty things, as all girls do and enjoys helping others look their best too. (I know from experience how talented she is at doing hair!)
There is also Evans. A deaf man who has been the nicest gentleman I think I have ever met and maybe ever will.
He can't hear, so he can barely speak, Creole or English. He makes signs with his hands, but mostly remains quiet. Despite his handicap, he has the funniest sense of humor! He likes to prank and joke and make people laugh.
He likes to watch the sunset on the beach.
But what I noticed most about him was how much he takes care of people. He didn't know us very well when we met, but he always ensured our safety and comfort. When we took hikes, he was the one standing over the dangerous ditch to lend a hand to everyone. He was the one in the back of the group, making certain that we all stayed together and no one was left behind. He was the one who went outside in the dark to make sure that me and Margaret would be okay while we searched for a missing friend.
He was that kind of gentleman.
There are so many other people that I met! All the Haitians were kind and compassionate. They always had open doors and open hearts. I could go on and on. But these two people give a small window of the people I have met over the seas.
Yes, that was a joke. You may laugh. Even you, Margaret.
Let's see...I think I will talk about a Haitian, as that is where I have last been too and met so many lovely people there.
There were so many of them! But here are a few who stole my heart:
Rose Myrtha. This is a beautiful young lady who works at a mission house in Guittan, Haiti. She helps prepare meals and loves to smile. She has a delightful sense of humor and is always kind. She never ceases to laugh, hug, or make one feel welcome in her home. She is always eager to teach anyone what she knows about cooking or a place she had been or the languages she spoke.
Rose Myrtha always looks lovely, and is the belle anywhere she is, no matter what clothes she is wearing. Her beauty lies in her eyes, which are always shining, and in her soul, which is always singing. She likes pretty things, as all girls do and enjoys helping others look their best too. (I know from experience how talented she is at doing hair!)
There is also Evans. A deaf man who has been the nicest gentleman I think I have ever met and maybe ever will.
He can't hear, so he can barely speak, Creole or English. He makes signs with his hands, but mostly remains quiet. Despite his handicap, he has the funniest sense of humor! He likes to prank and joke and make people laugh.
He likes to watch the sunset on the beach.
But what I noticed most about him was how much he takes care of people. He didn't know us very well when we met, but he always ensured our safety and comfort. When we took hikes, he was the one standing over the dangerous ditch to lend a hand to everyone. He was the one in the back of the group, making certain that we all stayed together and no one was left behind. He was the one who went outside in the dark to make sure that me and Margaret would be okay while we searched for a missing friend.
He was that kind of gentleman.
There are so many other people that I met! All the Haitians were kind and compassionate. They always had open doors and open hearts. I could go on and on. But these two people give a small window of the people I have met over the seas.
Sunday, January 5, 2014
5) Three things I like about my personality
This one was hard. I don't know why. Just yesterday I said I enjoy making lists! Gee, I whipped up a twenty five point list in ten minutes! And today I sat at my desk just thinking about my personality..............and thinking........and thinking...and you get the point. Eventually, I went to my mom and she had to think about it for a while too! Yikes! I need to figure out how to be more interesting! I'm not witty or sarcastic or random or boisterous.
Finally, Mom said that she likes how nicely I treat my siblings...sometimes...it depends...
Well, thanks, Mom.
I still needed two and a half more things to make three.
I think I'm pleasant too. Sometimes. As long as I've slept well, had a cup of coffee and a cup of tea, and if I have read my Bible. My pleasantness really should have no "as long as"'s. I really should work on that.
So that was another half of one.
And I like how high my morals are.
And I like how faithfully I hold to them.
So that's three.
Let's review...just to make this post a little longer.
1/2) I'm pleasant on occasion+ 1/2) I usually treat my sibling nicely=1) I'm nice!
2) I have high morals
3) I'm faithful
And that's about it.
Finally, Mom said that she likes how nicely I treat my siblings...sometimes...it depends...
Well, thanks, Mom.
I still needed two and a half more things to make three.
I think I'm pleasant too. Sometimes. As long as I've slept well, had a cup of coffee and a cup of tea, and if I have read my Bible. My pleasantness really should have no "as long as"'s. I really should work on that.
So that was another half of one.
And I like how high my morals are.
And I like how faithfully I hold to them.
So that's three.
Let's review...just to make this post a little longer.
1/2) I'm pleasant on occasion+ 1/2) I usually treat my sibling nicely=1) I'm nice!
2) I have high morals
3) I'm faithful
And that's about it.
Saturday, January 4, 2014
4) 25 things to do before my next birthday
Ah lists..these are easy...here we go! Twenty five things I'd like to do before I get one more year older:
1) Have a closer relationship with Jesus
2) Memorize 100 Bible chapters
3) Read the whole Bible
4) Get my drivers license
5) Buy my car
6) Get a super high position in the YLC
7) Get my second degree black belt
8) Read all the books in my room (believe you me when I say that is a feat for the bravest knight in the kingdom)
9)Write a whole book that I am positively in love with and is worth my time to pour myself into the plot and characters.
10) Enlarge my vocabulary tremendously
11) Be a teacher of more than one student
12) Do justice in my meager efforts in the duplication of a Norman Rockwell painting
13) Learn a few more hair styles other than the "air-dried" style or "pony tail"
14) Sing in public
15) Be in a movie
16) Write a compelling letter to a government official
17) Write a play
18) Go to Haiti
19) Earn money to go to Haiti
20) Have a job I actually like
21) Be intellectual in my preferred area of expertise
22) Have a decent grasp of reality
23) Be able to survive mathematics and science in my high-school and college years
24) Gain wisdom
25) Not lose my imagination, creativity, youthfulness, care, or inspiration by my coming birthday or any other birthday I have
In closing, I have a lot to do...
1) Have a closer relationship with Jesus
2) Memorize 100 Bible chapters
3) Read the whole Bible
4) Get my drivers license
5) Buy my car
6) Get a super high position in the YLC
7) Get my second degree black belt
8) Read all the books in my room (believe you me when I say that is a feat for the bravest knight in the kingdom)
9)Write a whole book that I am positively in love with and is worth my time to pour myself into the plot and characters.
10) Enlarge my vocabulary tremendously
11) Be a teacher of more than one student
12) Do justice in my meager efforts in the duplication of a Norman Rockwell painting
13) Learn a few more hair styles other than the "air-dried" style or "pony tail"
14) Sing in public
15) Be in a movie
16) Write a compelling letter to a government official
17) Write a play
18) Go to Haiti
19) Earn money to go to Haiti
20) Have a job I actually like
21) Be intellectual in my preferred area of expertise
22) Have a decent grasp of reality
23) Be able to survive mathematics and science in my high-school and college years
24) Gain wisdom
25) Not lose my imagination, creativity, youthfulness, care, or inspiration by my coming birthday or any other birthday I have
In closing, I have a lot to do...
3) My Day in Detail
I must remain true to my commitment. I said I would do the 30 day writing challenge. And I shall. Sadly, today's topic was most annoying. As today was the busiest day of the year, so far...
But, I did not lie. Here is my day, in all the glorious details that I can possibly remember:
day begins waking up in my very own bed. Nothing unusual there. It's where I
usually awaken. Then I go to the kitchen for breakfast and find my little
siblings eating left over pizza for their meal. That's weird. I get a piece for
myself and make my morning cup of coffee, with extra Almond Joy creamer, to
make it nice white and creamy.
eat. Today's pizza premiers ham, pineapple, and red bell peppers. Not
exactly what I had in mind for breakfast on my last day of Christmas holiday,
but I guess it works.
I stay
there at the table with my little brother and sister, my mother was taking a
shower and my big brother was just getting up too.
slowly drank my coffee and forcefully required my little siblings to drink all
of their milk.
breakfast, I took a shower and worried about something my mom had said. She told me yesterday that today would be my first day back at school. I really had no
desire to get back into that routine.
whenever I got out of the shower, I avoided that subject. I avoided her. I
watched Veggie Tales with my little siblings. Whenever she talked to me, I was
anxious she might bring up my plans for the day (which would be writing…or
being on Pinterest…). Thankfully, she brought up her day’s plans, going grocery
shopping. She asked me if I wanted to go with her. OH YES. I will take grocery
shopping over algebra any day! So, I got ready to go and we left.
we went to Kohl’s. I received ten bucks Kohl’s cash for Christmas, and I was eager
to spend it So I did. I bought an olive green
cardigan, a blue lacey shirt, and a cream T-shirt with a rhinestone necklace
bedazzled onto it. By shopping on the clearance racks, I saved 109 dollars,
spent the ten dollars Kohl’s cash and paid one dollar out of my own pocket. I must say, that is amazing.
I was extraordinarily proud of myself.
next stop was Lowes to buy a new water filter for the fridge. We saw an old
friend there and talked to him a bit.
we went to Chik-fil-a for lunch.
we went to Hobby Lobby to buy my scrap-booking tape.
went to Sam’s club next. We had to get some frozen fruit for the smoothies mom
likes to make. We also got some cat litter which was too heavy for us to put in our cart. A nice man
lifted it for us damsels in distress. I love neighborly kindness like that. It makes my
heart fuzzy and warm.
next stop was the grocery store. That is always such a long trip. We have a big
long check list that is divided into the aisles’ category of food. We have a
multitude of different food items highlighted on it and a corresponding coupon
(our coupons are organized in a little folder that Velcros onto the handle cart. Mom has
this shopping thing all figured in order to maximize the amount of product she
puts in her buggy per hour.
take a long time in the store because we only have one big shopping trip every month
to cut down on gas. My mother is an expert cost cutter and professional
couponer. At one point, she got the grocery store to pay her for taking their
have been giving this grocery store business for well nigh eight years. I have
come to know some of the workers and recognize others. Ever since I was little,
I have liked Star Wars. (These two facts do go in the same paragraph, I
promise.) Now then, there is a man who works there. He is the spitting image of
Qui-Gon Jinn. I’d swear upon my mother’s grave if she had one…Thankfully she
does not. I make it my aim to spot him every time I go to the store. This time
I saw him. It always makes me smile. I really wish one day that he would
realize his likeness to the Jedi Master and wear a cloak to work, maybe on Halloween
or something.
back to my narrative…
I was running back to the vegetable’s aisle to get a sack of Idaho potatoes, I
saw my old friend, the Colonel. He runs the local Youth Leadership Conference
every year, and for the past three years I have been a part of that. At first,
I was a student, then I was an assistant team leader, and this past year (You
may recall an earlier post about it) I was a team leader.
we saw each other, he reached out to shake my hand, but I had a sack of
potatoes there. Therefore, he tried to hug me. But I was trying to rotate the
potatoes into my left hand so I could shake his right hand. So he tried the
hand shake once again. Unfortunately, I was not quite finished with moving the
potatoes. He just decided to bear hug me and leave it at that.
began talking. We hadn’t seen each other since November, so there was much to
say. He told me about finishing a report, prepping for the upcoming conference,
the holiday season. What interested me most was what he said about me. (Those
types of comments naturally interest me the most.) He told me that he wanted me
back this year and that he wanted me to be higher on the chain of command. He
said that I had really blossomed this past year, me and my friend Cameron, and
that I belonged either as a division leader or maybe even assistant director! I
was completely flattered! Not really knowing, or even having, anything else to
say, I thanked him about fifty times before I said goodbye.
I was speaking with him, about five minutes flew by. Five minutes is enough
time to lose a mother in a grocery store. I wandered up and down the aisles
purposefully, but I was entirely lost. I could not imagine where she had gotten
off too. After ten laps up and down the store, I finally found her. I can’t
even remember where, only, I was superbly relieved when I got there.
Our grocery
shopping escapade terminated shortly thereafter. The bagger was nice and made
it his purpose to inquire about our welfare. I am always appreciative of
well-mannered baggers.
and I made another stop at Bed, Bath, and Beyond to buy my father a new
portable dinner plate. We have bent and broken all the other Tupper-ware items
he owns.
like to doddle in that store, dreaming and wishing for a bigger house to fill with
all manner of cool organization shelving or pretty bathroom items.
we drove to Wal-mart to buy all the things we had forgotten, or that the others
stores did not carry. And nothing of interest happened here, so that is all I
have to say about that.
For a
few weeks now, my family has been trying to rent the new Lone Ranger movie but never seem
to have the luck to be the first to the Red Box. Crossing our fingers, we checked
at the closest one. It was out. So on our way home, we checked another one in Public's. That was out too. Bummed, we drove home.
the house, my big brother and little siblings came out to greet us. We had been
gone all day long. I must admit, I was exhausted. Mom probably was too.
could not be tired for long. There was a party to attend!
unloading our little car, so heavily burdened with our months worth of
supplies, I raced to the bathroom to primp and put on one of my new sweaters!
brother came and got me as I was pondering which shoes I should wear, telling me
he wanted to leave early to check his work schedule. I had to pick these shoes
fast! I was racing against time to look adorable.
was cranking up the car to warm it up. (It was probably twelve degrees out there;
I don’t know why I decided to wear a skirt…) I ran out, forgot the hummus I was
supposed to have for a snack, went back, retrieved the mouth-watering spread,
went back out, decided against the black shoes, ran back in, got the cream,
sparkly slippers, and rushed back to the car, hummus in tow.
We got to his work place, (which also used to be my work place, but I had quit for school time), and went in. I hadn't been in in ages and I got to see some old friends.
When he had checked is schedule, we went back on our way to the party.
drove twenty minutes out, following the GPS. My brother made a wrong turn. Now
we were going to be late. That was okay, though. I love riding the car with
him. On occasion, we have fun conversations, but mostly, we have the radio on
and we sing along, inventing our own lyrics if we are making fun of a song,
singing along to the good, catchy ones, and sitting back and relishing the
beloved ones.
was not a musical night. Tonight we talked about all the cool people at our work place. And who we liked working with the most, and different things about how we felt about certain people.
arrived ten minutes late to the party, which was fine because everyone else was
late too. We were only the second ones to arrive.
it was late, I had had a long day, and therefore, I do not remember too much of that event. Only that we played “Fact or Crap”
(I was awful), “Curses” (Once again, I failed), “Mario Kart” ( I am the queen
of that…Therefore, demolished everyone in sight. Except the Dowager Queen Margaret. She
demolished me and doubly demolished those whom I had demolished).
then sang. One of us was on the piano, another had a guitar, and we all had our
lovely voices. We sang praises to our God. That was most refreshing. I had been
longing for fellowship of that sort for a long time.
curfew was upon us. We left cheerily and refreshed. The drive home was as
pleasant as the trip there. We gave summaries of our days. He commented
about being exhausted from babysitting for seven hours, telling me not to
silence him, for I was trying too. I was fiecely objecting to his contorted notions of what exhaustion really was. Because apparently, I didn’t know what he had been through. Eventually, I found my way through the argument to correcting
him, “Who is the one who is home all day while the other is at college all the
time? Who is the one who predominately takes care of the kids when the other
isn’t home? And who isn’t home the most?”
quiet!” He joked good-naturedly. He knew I was right. He didn’t want to admit
be quiet.”
told him all about my day. I will not repeat the above account, for both your
sake and my own.
GPS gave us a few minor difficulties, but we managed to find our way home in
the dark and in time to catch the last half of Mission Impossible:1, which my parents were watching.
drank a cup of green tea and went to bed.
I hope you enjoyed this. I hope it was worth the pains I took to jotting down notes as to what exactly happened to me..I wrote on the go, and that was what made it such a trying day. I prefer writing in the piece and quiet of my room...with a cup of tea, not in the car with Chik-fil-a sauce dripping on my hands...yikes!
Thursday, January 2, 2014
The girl who was anti-prince:
I was talking to a little girl in my art class. She is the saddest thing I have ever listened to. She went on and on about how her dad doesn't like her to do this or watch that or read this. She is bitter against him and speaks badly of him constantly. It breaks my heart to hear her talk like that! Doesn't she know he daddy loves her? Doesn't she know that he only wants the best for her? Doesn't she know that he wants to keep her mind pure and her heart safe from this ghastly world?
I try to tell her, but she won't listen. I don't know quite what else to tell her besides what I've stated above. If she won't listen, she is bringing the trouble on herself.
So I try to change the subject. I don't like listening to people complain about irrational problems.
A subject change and now she wants to talk about a story she is writing. She tells about her story being a Disney princess story. I am suddenly interested (You say "Tangled" and I'm yours for at least forty-five minutes).
But not too far in her plot line, I am irritated once again. Her rendition of these perfect fairy tales are prince-less. She wants to write the story as if none of the princesses had a prince and they had to have their adventure by themselves!
I was livid. I tried to explain myself but couldn't very well. I'm not in debate, and I dislike arguments. I told my other friend who was conversing with us (And becoming completely perplexed and indignant against at my babbling arguments) that I would write her my argument so she would better understand it. Because, unfortunately, I think she is a feminist as well.
Here it is:
Princess Aurora would have slept for eternity without her prince.
Belle would have been eaten by wolves.Jasmine would have had her hand cut off. Then she would have had to marry Jafar...and that would have been unpleasant...
Mulan would have never gotten to be such an amazing soldier without the training and guidance of her incredibly attractive superior officer.
Rapunzel never would have left her tower. And then never would have met her family. And then had to spend the rest of her life with Mother Gothel.
Snow White would have been dead forever.
Without Prince Eric, Ariel would not have had the incentive to become a human and fulfill all her dreams of being on land, up where they walk, up where they run, up where they stay all day in the sun!
Without Prince Charming, Cinderella would not have had a ball to go to, and would have been stuck cleaning house until she died. And now we see that princesses have to have princes. Not just in these unlikely cases, but in real life as well.
Women and men were made for each other. God said, "It is not good that man should be alone." So He made him a helper, a woman.
Women are not the weaker sex. We have a tremendously difficult time working in the home, delivering babies, raising kids, supporting our husbands. But we don't rule the world. We help.
Men were made for carrying loads, for protecting their wife and kids, for leading their homes and leading in churches or governments.
Men and women make life easier for each other. Men made washing machines, electric lighting, the sewing machine, the automobile. And the women use those inventions to help the men have clean laundry, fix their clothes, and go buy groceries.
Those who say that women don't need men, haven't looked at all the facts. They haven't realized that women would not be as fruitful in their work without the help of men.
Sure, females have the brains to build a sky scraper, but they don't have the muscle or endurance. They don't have the guts it takes to be a garbage man or one of those guys who go down there in the sewer and get all nasty and gross....yuck...
Men and women enjoy different things and therefore are productive in different ways. We would be nothing without each other. God realized that and He made Eve...Things were perfect there for a bit. And who messed it up? The man? Nope. The woman.
I know those words were rough and un-elegant. But hopefully they make you see my point and maybe you can be convinced.
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