
Thursday, May 8, 2014

An Award? For Me?

Hi Everyone! I have a bunch of posts pending in my brain right now, but as it is finals week, I have to postpone all of them due to wallowing in self - excuse me - studying my Chemistry...

But now that my final is over *relieved forehead swipe/sigh*

My dear friend Margaret has nominated me, as well as Claire and Kate, and another blogger named Bella, for a blogging award called the Liebster Blog Award.

Thank you so much!

Apparently, there are rules which I must recite:

#1 Thank and link back to the person who nominated you

#2 List 11 facts about yourself

#3 Answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger who nominated you

#4 Nominate 9 bloggers who have fewer than 200 followers (You can't nominate the person who nominated you)

#5 Ask them 11 questions

#6 Let them know about the nomination

Wow, that's quite a bit for a girl with such a small amount of time...But, I'll do my best :)

Rule #1 is complete so I'll move on to #2.

Fact One: I am a sinner saved by the grace of God.

Fact Two: I don't like making lists. But sometimes I do.

Fact Three: I'm addicted to Pinterest and Coffee.

Fact Four: I have a typewriter.

Fact Five: I like to write, sometimes by hand, sometimes on my typewriter, sometimes in my head, and sometimes on my computer.

Fact Six: I'm lazy, which is why I sometimes write in my head.

Fact Seven: I have a room laden with my own art work, my friend's art work, photographs, doodles, paper plates, Mardi Gras masks, a belt rack (which has belts white through brown, and when I'm a retired ninja I'll eventually hang my black one up there too), posters of myself, and a poster of Jack Sparrow.

Fact Eight: I correct grammar mistakes in my textbooks.

Fact Nine: I just realized that the headboard on my bed is a bookshelf, which means I don't have to take up one of my desks* for all my stacks of books.
*Yes I have two desks**
**Don't judge

Fact Ten: I like Norman Rockwell Calendars. I get the free ones at the drug store. Sometimes two different drugstores have two different versions of Norman Rockwell calendars, which explains why I have two different Norman Rockwell calendars on my wall...

Fact Eleven: My favorite flower is the yellow rose.

The next step is to answer the eleven questions Margaret asked me:

1. Favourite author? Lemony Snicket and/or Edgar Allen Poe

2. Cravats or bowties? Depends on who is wearing it ;)

3. Have you been to a foreign country? If so, which one(s)? Yes, I have been to Haiti, Canada, and Japan

4. Quote something off the top of your head. Cry God for Harry, England, and St. George!

5. Broadway or Hollywood? Broadway.

6. Do you like sushi? YESSSSSSS......

7.Thoughts on floor lamps? Floor lamps are great.

8. Do you enjoy chick flicks? (be honest;P) Well........sometimes. As long as it isn't a Disney Channel chick flick, and as long as it is funny, and as long as it isn't too sappy, and as long as it is clean (Verbally and Physically). My absolute favorite chick flick is Return to Me.
9. What is a hobby from your childhood you still retain? doodle-ee-doo-ing:

These are a few from my childhood:




And here are some from lately:





Whoops these are upside down...I'm not positive I know how to fix that:







Here are some notes I took in Chemistry class (shows how much I appreciate the subject...):



10. Does a PT6A have a multi-stage compressor?
This is what I thought of when I read the question:

           A Volkswagen Karmann Ghia has no
           That's because it's air-cooled.

I don't know the answer to the original question, unless I googles it...Lemme do that:



Nope, looks like it only has a single stage compressor...

11. Beards or no beards? Once again, it depends on who it is on ;-P

Now that that is over, it is time to nominate 9 bloggers! Now, I don't actually follow nine bloggers (Who haven't already been nominated). So I'll nominate ALL THE FRIENDS! *Insert funny meme*

I nominate Cailean WilliamsVociferousMimeSunshyne, and Sarah. And those who have already been nominated by Margaret, whom I would have nominated as well, are Claire and Kate.

The questions I have for those of you I nominated are:

1.) What is your favorite kind of pie?

2.) If you were ruler of the universe, what laws would you make?

3.) What's your favorite joke?

4.) Donuts or Bagels?

5.) List your favorite words.

6.) If you had a theme song (like Darth Vader does) what would it be? (If you can't think of a specific song, what genre would it be?)

7.) Would you rather have a big house or little house? Why?

8.) What is something you are proud of?

9.) What is something you are embarrassed about?

10.) Who is your fantasy crush?

11.) What is the most bazaar thing that has ever happened to you?

Now, I'm off to tell you that you have been nominated!!!

Thanks so much for the nomination Maggie <3


  1. Fact 3 = my favorite thing ever!
    This is all around awesome!

  2. Ooohh Pinterest and Coffee x) Yes, I'm sure if we knew each other in person, we would hang out at Starbucks all day...=)
