Go ahead and take your nap
Go ahead and sleep
Fold your hands and rest awhile
Because later you will reap
For the winter snaps
While you are asleep
Poverty will defile
Everything you keep
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Jackie the person-agent and Simba the cat-thief
Jackie was on duty
In her black suity
Always working hard all day long
Jackie searched for her target
Who worked at the feline blackmarket
She spotted the cat-fiend within the throng
Jackie the ninja
Pounced upon Simba
The cat was startled and taken aback
Jackie the agent spy
Made that Simba cat cry
"Why did you steal all my mouse traps?"
Simba the evil cat
Hissed at that
"You agent spies think you know everything."
Freshly confused Jackie was
She grimaced at his clawing paws
"Stop scratching and tell me-I'll make you sing!"
Simba complied
To make Jackie satisfied
"The cats of this town are forming a pact."
"The pact
Is this fact:
We collaborate with each other and our mouse traps."
"This deal
Is to steal
You humanses things, while you take naps."
"We share
So it's fair
And all us cats trap our mouses."
"We then feast
Upon rodent beast
Which came out from under your houses."
Jackie now wondered
On these things she pondered
"Instead of stealing you just should request."
"We people can help you
Because we hate mice too.
But we also hate thievery, absolutely detest!"
Simba agreed
Then he was freed
He and Jackie parted ways as unlikely friends
The Ends
In her black suity
Always working hard all day long
Jackie searched for her target
Who worked at the feline blackmarket
She spotted the cat-fiend within the throng
Jackie the ninja
Pounced upon Simba
The cat was startled and taken aback
Jackie the agent spy
Made that Simba cat cry
"Why did you steal all my mouse traps?"
Simba the evil cat
Hissed at that
"You agent spies think you know everything."
Freshly confused Jackie was
She grimaced at his clawing paws
"Stop scratching and tell me-I'll make you sing!"
Simba complied
To make Jackie satisfied
"The cats of this town are forming a pact."
"The pact
Is this fact:
We collaborate with each other and our mouse traps."
"This deal
Is to steal
You humanses things, while you take naps."
"We share
So it's fair
And all us cats trap our mouses."
"We then feast
Upon rodent beast
Which came out from under your houses."
Jackie now wondered
On these things she pondered
"Instead of stealing you just should request."
"We people can help you
Because we hate mice too.
But we also hate thievery, absolutely detest!"
Simba agreed
Then he was freed
He and Jackie parted ways as unlikely friends
The Ends
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Today's poem
I rush into this poem blindly
Not knowing where it shall take me
I only know I must get it done
For on my blog I haven't posted one
Quite a few days I left my readers poemless
Because these past few days I've been busy and wordless
Hopefully my readers will not be frustrated
Perhaps this poem will keep their wrath sedated
But I do suppose you all understand
How a girl like me has her life at hand
I must work and study, but rarely play
So I can accomplish a thousand things in a day
And now, dear readers, I've given you this poem
Now you can't be vindictive towards my tardiness-Isabela has spoken
Not knowing where it shall take me
I only know I must get it done
For on my blog I haven't posted one
Quite a few days I left my readers poemless
Because these past few days I've been busy and wordless
Hopefully my readers will not be frustrated
Perhaps this poem will keep their wrath sedated
But I do suppose you all understand
How a girl like me has her life at hand
I must work and study, but rarely play
So I can accomplish a thousand things in a day
And now, dear readers, I've given you this poem
Now you can't be vindictive towards my tardiness-Isabela has spoken
Friday, April 25, 2014
Blogs I follow
Hello readers, friends, and family!
I'm afraid I have not kept up very well with my one poem a day.
I do not have a poem for today, or yesterday...It's tragic. I have been way to busy, you understand?
But, if you are bored and in need of something to read, I want to introduce to you all my friends whose blogs I follow. You have heard me talk of a few, but here is an official list:
Margaret Carpenter, my best friend and inner-writer's soul sister, is at blendersandphobias.blogspot.com
Claire Carpenter, my beautiful, musically-inclined sister-at-heart, is at motherinthemaking.blogspot.com
Kate Cherry, my totally chill, flute-playing, genius friend, is at ashipisalwayssafeatshore.blogspot.com
Cailean Williams, my brilliant musician/writer/engineer/brother, is at fragilegreyheart.blogspot.com
VociferousMime, my artist friend who is going on a fashion adventure, is at lolitabrowncoat.blogspot.com
Sunshyne, my brand-new blogger friend I met on Pinterest - who is an awesome writer, is at msunshyneb.blogspot.com
Sarah, my not-posting-very-often-but-still-epic-friend, is at collegemication.wordpress.com
And that's about it. If I don't post, then one of these wonderful people might have :) So go to them if you're bored!
That's about all for now,
Until tomorrow, perhaps,
I'm afraid I have not kept up very well with my one poem a day.
I do not have a poem for today, or yesterday...It's tragic. I have been way to busy, you understand?
But, if you are bored and in need of something to read, I want to introduce to you all my friends whose blogs I follow. You have heard me talk of a few, but here is an official list:
Margaret Carpenter, my best friend and inner-writer's soul sister, is at blendersandphobias.blogspot.com
Claire Carpenter, my beautiful, musically-inclined sister-at-heart, is at motherinthemaking.blogspot.com
Kate Cherry, my totally chill, flute-playing, genius friend, is at ashipisalwayssafeatshore.blogspot.com
Cailean Williams, my brilliant musician/writer/engineer/brother, is at fragilegreyheart.blogspot.com
VociferousMime, my artist friend who is going on a fashion adventure, is at lolitabrowncoat.blogspot.com
Sunshyne, my brand-new blogger friend I met on Pinterest - who is an awesome writer, is at msunshyneb.blogspot.com
Sarah, my not-posting-very-often-but-still-epic-friend, is at collegemication.wordpress.com
And that's about it. If I don't post, then one of these wonderful people might have :) So go to them if you're bored!
That's about all for now,
Until tomorrow, perhaps,
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Father, help me
Father, please help me to love
Help me love You and all of
The people here on earth
Father, rid me of my selfishness
Show me how I need You; I'm helpless!
Help me put You first
Father, please make me wise
Help me see the world through Your eyes
So I can live out my second birth
Help me love You and all of
The people here on earth
Father, rid me of my selfishness
Show me how I need You; I'm helpless!
Help me put You first
Father, please make me wise
Help me see the world through Your eyes
So I can live out my second birth
Monday, April 21, 2014
The Pied Piper
The Pied Piper
Children Playing
Someone saying
"This place is too nice
It is time for some vice"
Children laughing
Someone scoffing
"The kids are naive
They can all be decieved"
Children peeking
Someone sneaking
"Listen to my tune
Come follow me soon"
Children going
Someone sowing
Bad things unto them
They don't know about sin
Parents look
Someone took
Their precious dears
Now come the tears
Children Playing
Someone saying
"This place is too nice
It is time for some vice"
Children laughing
Someone scoffing
"The kids are naive
They can all be decieved"
Children peeking
Someone sneaking
"Listen to my tune
Come follow me soon"
Children going
Someone sowing
Bad things unto them
They don't know about sin
Parents look
Someone took
Their precious dears
Now come the tears
Sunday, April 20, 2014
The Minds of Isabela, Wang Fang, Tokyo, and Elizabeth
Today I spent the afternoon with my Asian brother (Tokyo), Asian sister (Wang Fang), and my asain sister's friend (Elizabeth) from the North East (But not the Asian East...)
Here is a poem we wrote together:
In 1347,
a child went to leaven
His bread upon his Jewish family table
But this is what happened instead
The mouse made him dead
And then he was no longer able
The mouse went next door
And then he spread the black plague all over the floor
the floor was in Constantinople
A Mongol then came
And invented a game
The outcome didn't look too hopeful
Pope Gregory brought the papacy back
Cuz da otha' popes had cut too much slack
Though he tried to resolve the schisms
The Frenchies were mean
To the Eastern fiends
And so they were thrown into prison.
The religion was swept to the side
And baroque rolled in with the tide.
The art was kinda sketchy
And though it was plain
That the pope was no game,
They liked their pasta zesty....
Here is a poem we wrote together:
In 1347,
a child went to leaven
His bread upon his Jewish family table
But this is what happened instead
The mouse made him dead
And then he was no longer able
The mouse went next door
And then he spread the black plague all over the floor
the floor was in Constantinople
A Mongol then came
And invented a game
The outcome didn't look too hopeful
Pope Gregory brought the papacy back
Cuz da otha' popes had cut too much slack
Though he tried to resolve the schisms
The Frenchies were mean
To the Eastern fiends
And so they were thrown into prison.
The religion was swept to the side
And baroque rolled in with the tide.
The art was kinda sketchy
And though it was plain
That the pope was no game,
They liked their pasta zesty....
Happy Easter!
The King is risen!
He rose from the grave!
Three days He was dead
But He is alive so we can be saved!
I feel like I'm repeating every other Easter song out there...
What more is there to say?
My Lord is alive, and I am too.
No longer am a slave to sin...
Because Jesus bore God's anger
That should have been mine and yours
His innocent life, started in a manger
Ended on a cross, for death's cure
He rose from the grave!
Three days He was dead
But He is alive so we can be saved!
I feel like I'm repeating every other Easter song out there...
What more is there to say?
My Lord is alive, and I am too.
No longer am a slave to sin...
Because Jesus bore God's anger
That should have been mine and yours
His innocent life, started in a manger
Ended on a cross, for death's cure
Good Friday (4-18-14)
Golgotha, the place of the skull
Where Jesus Christ suffered and died for us all
His body was scourged
His body was flogged
His body, bruised beaten and torn
His body was whipped and mocked and worn
The surprising thing is, He was perfectly willing
He could have stopped the blows, but it was prophecy He was fulfilling
He could have smote the ones who were cursing Him
But He kept silent, submitted, because this abuse was endured for them
He was bleeding and tired and He was shamed
Evil Jews lied. Innocently, He was blamed.
Love alone was in His heart
So a new covenant of life, for us, He could start
This poem was inspired by my darling friend Claire. She wrote a beautiful song, maybe she will post on her blog.
God has given her a beautiful talent of writing songs on the piano and singing them too.
So, I want to thank God, as well as Claire, for the song she wrote to inspire this poem, which God gave to me.
Where Jesus Christ suffered and died for us all
His body was scourged
His body was flogged
His body, bruised beaten and torn
His body was whipped and mocked and worn
The surprising thing is, He was perfectly willing
He could have stopped the blows, but it was prophecy He was fulfilling
He could have smote the ones who were cursing Him
But He kept silent, submitted, because this abuse was endured for them
He was bleeding and tired and He was shamed
Evil Jews lied. Innocently, He was blamed.
Love alone was in His heart
So a new covenant of life, for us, He could start
This poem was inspired by my darling friend Claire. She wrote a beautiful song, maybe she will post on her blog.
God has given her a beautiful talent of writing songs on the piano and singing them too.
So, I want to thank God, as well as Claire, for the song she wrote to inspire this poem, which God gave to me.
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Gregor the Gnome
Once upon a time
There lived Gregor the gnome
He did not know how to rhyme
Born in a world of poets, he was all alone
He had no friends
All creatures despised
Gregor the untalented
Soon they would be surprised
Because Gregor the gnome
Sung magnificent opera
When his lungs were full blown
He mastered that genre
One day a little robin heard
Gregor singing La Bohème
Away flew the little bird
To tell the fairies about him
The fairies embraced Gregor the gnome
They loved him and his musicals
They accepted him as one of their own
Although a gnome living among fairies is quite whimsical
They all lived happily ever after
The end
There lived Gregor the gnome
He did not know how to rhyme
Born in a world of poets, he was all alone
He had no friends
All creatures despised
Gregor the untalented
Soon they would be surprised
Because Gregor the gnome
Sung magnificent opera
When his lungs were full blown
He mastered that genre
One day a little robin heard
Gregor singing La Bohème
Away flew the little bird
To tell the fairies about him
The fairies embraced Gregor the gnome
They loved him and his musicals
They accepted him as one of their own
Although a gnome living among fairies is quite whimsical
They all lived happily ever after
The end
This poem is from a few days ago..I write every day! I just don't post it for you :( I'm sorry...
Before I go,
I'd like to say
You ought to know
How I spend my day
I like to read
All sorts of books
I truly need
My own private nook
I like to write
All sorts of things
Stories are bright
And poems sing
I have to study
All the day long
Although my brain feels cruddy
When I get all the answers wrong
Before I go,
I'd like to say
You ought to know
How I spend my day
I like to read
All sorts of books
I truly need
My own private nook
I like to write
All sorts of things
Stories are bright
And poems sing
I have to study
All the day long
Although my brain feels cruddy
When I get all the answers wrong
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Not for me
When I sing
I don't hear my voice
When I sing
My soul does rejoice
When I cry
I don't hide my tears
When I cry
Unmasked are all my fears
When I dance
I'm unaware of my motions
When I dance
My heart throbs with emotions
When I live
I do not care who will see
When I live
My actions are not for me
When I pray
I am a sinner and flawed
When I pray
I know my pleas are heard by God
I don't hear my voice
When I sing
My soul does rejoice
When I cry
I don't hide my tears
When I cry
Unmasked are all my fears
When I dance
I'm unaware of my motions
When I dance
My heart throbs with emotions
When I live
I do not care who will see
When I live
My actions are not for me
When I pray
I am a sinner and flawed
When I pray
I know my pleas are heard by God
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Not your cup of tea
Don't preach to me
Don't tell me of my maladies
Don't presume to know me
Because I'm not your cup of tea
I'll rid myself of vanities
I'll despose of my immoralities
And tomorrow I'll be new entirely
You just wait and see
Monday, April 14, 2014
Kate the Great
Today a brilliant thing happened.
My friend Kate made herself a blog!
In her honor, welcoming her to the world of blogging, I have written a short poem:
Kate the great dancing machine,
You're brilliant at math, and you can sing!
A beautiful ninja, the best brown belt out there,
With a grand ACT score, you'll get a scholarship anywhere!
All this to praise you, and welcome you to blogging
Good reader, please welcome, my dear friend Kate--What rhymes with blogging?
My friend Kate made herself a blog!
In her honor, welcoming her to the world of blogging, I have written a short poem:
Kate the great dancing machine,
You're brilliant at math, and you can sing!
A beautiful ninja, the best brown belt out there,
With a grand ACT score, you'll get a scholarship anywhere!
All this to praise you, and welcome you to blogging
Good reader, please welcome, my dear friend Kate--What rhymes with blogging?
The People Who Live On Mulberry Street
I slaved over this poem for two days trying to get the rhythm correct. I still have not perfected it. If there is anyone out there who is a poetry doctor and can fix the rhythm for me...I would like that. A lot.
Anyway, my poem:
If you go to the Bigelow's
Make sure you're nicely dressed
For their hospitality bestows
Silk napkins freshly pressed
If you go to the Jone's house
Bring a bouquet of flowers
For your hostess shall surely douse
You in blessings, in torrents and showers
When you visit the Doyle residence
Mind your p's and q's
Not that they're rich (they live in tents)
And none of them have any shoes
And never, I repeat, never, go to Mr. Rousseau's
Because he will french fry all of your fingers
And hard boil all of you toes
Around his house never linger
Those are the people on Mulberry Street
I might exaggerate, I do not lie
These people with obsessions of napkins and feet
Are the ones with whom I live, and try not to die...
Anyway, my poem:
If you go to the Bigelow's
Make sure you're nicely dressed
For their hospitality bestows
Silk napkins freshly pressed
If you go to the Jone's house
Bring a bouquet of flowers
For your hostess shall surely douse
You in blessings, in torrents and showers
When you visit the Doyle residence
Mind your p's and q's
Not that they're rich (they live in tents)
And none of them have any shoes
And never, I repeat, never, go to Mr. Rousseau's
Because he will french fry all of your fingers
And hard boil all of you toes
Around his house never linger
Those are the people on Mulberry Street
I might exaggerate, I do not lie
These people with obsessions of napkins and feet
Are the ones with whom I live, and try not to die...
Friday, April 11, 2014
How dare you?
How dare you speak of this?
How could you betray my spirit?
How can you talk of remiss?
My heart beats. You can't even hear it.
When will you learn the truth of your ways?
When will you consider what you have done?
When will you see the end of your days?
My soul screams, but you can hear none.
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Quid pro quo
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
It's Tuesday
It's Tuesday
And raining
It's Tuesday
I'm campaigning
For sleepiest woman around
It's Tuesday
I'm tired
It's Tuesday
Chocolate is desired
By the sleepiest woman around
It's Tuesday
Homework all done
It's Tuesday
Down went the sun
I'm the sleepiest woman around
Monday, April 7, 2014
Darling, stop.
Darling, stop.
Stop your crying.
Darling, stop.
Stop your lying.
I need to know
What you've done.
I need to know
Why the tears have begun.
Will you tell me
What has your heart so torn?
Will you tell me
Why your life is so worn?
I promise to not
Look at you in scorn.
I promise to not
Mock your life's storm.
I promise to
Care for you always.
I promise to
Love you for the rest of my days.
So please, darling, stop.
I don't want to see one more year drop.
Sunday, April 6, 2014
In a Moment of Madness--
In a moment of madness we all fall short
In a moment of sadness we all lose heart
In that second of falling we all desire
What we wouldn't before
In that second of brokenness we all have fire
Where we didn't before
In that small desire, something in us transforms
In that broken heart, something in us storms
We run away changed
Our souls are deranged
Saturday, April 5, 2014
The Sound of Winter
The Sound of Winter
The snow falls
But we can't hear it
The snow is on the ground
But we can't hear it
The cold is in the air
But we can't hear it
The grass is all dry, brown
But we can't hear it
The trees are all bare
But we can't hear it
There's a heart that is crying
But we can't hear it
There's a fire in the place
And it cracks
There are branches on trees
And they crack
There is a footstep in the snow
And it cracks
There is a lake frozen over in ice
And it cracks
There is a sled and a whip
And it cracks
There is a heart that is breaking
And it cracks
Friday, April 4, 2014
No one has flowers
They're all in the yard
No one can pick them
Because it's too hard
No one has water
It's all down the drain
Everyone is thirsty
Their throats all in pain
They're all in the yard
No one can pick them
Because it's too hard
No one has water
It's all down the drain
Everyone is thirsty
Their throats all in pain
Thursday, April 3, 2014
When He Came Back
I have come back
Did you miss me?
My life is in lack
Of the times when you kiss me.
I've laid awake at night
I was restless all day long
You've always been in my sight
No matter when I'm weak or strong
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Nonsensical Poetry
There's chaos
On the border
And it's sorter
Out of order
Would you play us
A sorter quarter
And make it shorter
Than the last
Because the last one
Was a fast one
But a long one
All the same
And the past one
Was a strong one
Because it didn't have a name
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
a poem a day keeps the boring away
Happy April, everyone! Or better termed: Happy National Poetry Writing month!!
Here is a poem I promised. This picture was sent to me by my dear friend, Claire.
I was trying to find the perfect story behind it, and it took awhile. (I've had the picture in my inbox for a month or two)

We were young when we started
Now we've grown old, our friends departed
Together we've roamed this earth
Been through all toils and mirth
When we were young we lived freely
We didn't know it'd turn us sour and greedy
Selfish ambitions captured our hearts
We grew weak from the poisoned darts
We can't be free, we can't escape
We can't run from the lives we've shaped
Well, I hope you liked it. It didn't turn out as I had hoped, but it's an okay poem.
Claire, I hope you enjoyed it too! Sorry it took me so long to use the picture!
Here is a poem I promised. This picture was sent to me by my dear friend, Claire.
I was trying to find the perfect story behind it, and it took awhile. (I've had the picture in my inbox for a month or two)
We were young when we started
Now we've grown old, our friends departed
Together we've roamed this earth
Been through all toils and mirth
When we were young we lived freely
We didn't know it'd turn us sour and greedy
Selfish ambitions captured our hearts
We grew weak from the poisoned darts
We can't be free, we can't escape
We can't run from the lives we've shaped
Well, I hope you liked it. It didn't turn out as I had hoped, but it's an okay poem.
Claire, I hope you enjoyed it too! Sorry it took me so long to use the picture!
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