
Saturday, February 7, 2015

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

Hi! Here's another award thing that's from Margaret. I think it shall be fun, because as I told her, it is fun to talk about myself xD thank you, Maggie.

The rules:
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their site
2. Put the award logo on your site
3. Answer the ten questions they asked you
4. Make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer

Mag's questions to me:
1. What's the best book you've read recently?
 "Sonny's Blues". It's by some guy named Baldwin and is actually a short story.

2. What's your favorite song of all time?
um. Yes, Maggie, you have broken me.
I'll just say... anything by Tenth Avenue North, anything on my Phillip Phillip's Pandora station, Fred Astaire, Michael Buble Arms by Christina Perry, lots of Rend Collective Experiment's music, Josh Groban everything from his chocolate voice, Separate Ways by Journey, EVERYTHING IS AWESOME, as well as Batman's Darkness song, oh! ahh ...the classic Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen, Catching Stars by One Republic, also all the songs from Grease, all the songs from Phantom of the Opera, Newsies, Cats, and most any Disney song, plus Mumford &Sons stuff...etc.

3. What is a hobby or interest of yours that no one would expect?
I like to throw knives, but don't mind me. I can hardly aim at the ground and hit it...

4. What is currently stressing you out?
How far I should go to change my life.

5. What is a reason to not be stressed out about that thing you answered in #4?
Because God has all the answers in His Bible, and I need to respond accordingly.

6. What [are] your favorite memor[ies]? <---I changed it to plural because I can never decide.
Going on long, rainy car trips at night; going to Target in the rain (I like rain); going to Hobby Lobby on a bright-blue, sunny, frozen day; telling that random lady at the airport how pretty she looked; going to the small town sandwich shop and seeing the postman; having the postman with the curly hair tell me what a stamp was; digging the curly-haired postman a pathway through the deep snow (I have a special regard for postmen); having a 'golden moment' with a customer when I worked at the Golden Arches; building bridges across the neighborhood creek with the neighborhood kids; going to Haiti; basically all the fun times I had while working at the Youth Leadership Conference; hiking on the board-walks; hiking up the mountain to get to the crystal clear lake where the ashes of a random cremated dog were scattered; roasting mini-marshmallows over a little candle when we had planned on having an outdoor bonfire, but it accidentally rained instead; hiking and it accidentally rained again so we all rushed home, took showers, and then watched Star Wars; the time Mom woke us up in the middle of the night because she was bored, and she just wanted to go on a long drive, so we did; driving during a thunderstorm and seeing the sky flash with the biggest lightning I have ever witnessed...

7. Who is your biggest role model, and why? Maggie said I'm not allowed to say Maggie, and other than Jesus, I'd have to say the Statue of Liberty, because she's the biggest model I can think of...

8. Biggest pet peeve?
I hate it when people get mad at other people.

9. What is a misconception that you are learning to overcome?
That God hates sinners. His eyes are too pure to look upon evil.
And I kind of used to believe that to a point where I was scared that God wouldn't have my back when something bad happened, because God won't let the righteous fall, but I'm not righteous!
Thankfully, my friend, Christina put some sense into me. Jesus' righteousness is on me, so when God looks at me, I am righteous. He won't let me fall.

10. Finally, what are you currently eating/wishing you were eating?
A grilled cheese sandwich (I just ate one, but I want another...)

And now I am done. So I am going to nominate
Caroline S.
can I nominate Maggie again? (I don't know too many bloggers...)

My questions for all of you are as follows:

1. What is something you would want to say to the world?

2. What TV show/movie would you want to be a part of making, and how would you help make it?

3. What is your favorite character stereotype?

4.What fairy tale creature (fairy, wizard, troll, enchantress, etc.) would you want to be and why?

5. What is your favorite genre to write in/read/watch?

6. What kind of person do you want to be/become?

7. What is stopping you from becoming that person?

8. What stocking stuffers do you want this Christmas?

9. What do you want?

10. Who hurt you?

The End


  1. Mumford and Sons! I didn't know that. I approve;P
    #10. Yaaasss.

    1. Wow I didn't know you didn't know! I'm glad you approve =D haha

  2. I loved your biggest role model answer, haha! Both you and Maggie nominated me so should I answer both sets of questions?
