
Friday, May 2, 2014

World Views

So I am in a World View class this semester. My final is to write a paper. Yippy Skippy, I love papers :)

I do believe that this applies to my month of truth 1.) Because Biblical Christianity is truth, as well as a world view; 2.) As Sunshyne said in the comments on my last post, personal opinion is not always truth. Worldviews are opinions held by people and are not always true. It is not up to us to define what truth is. What is our standard? God. We must evaluate the world around us by His standard.

Also, I want constructive criticism on my paper before I turn it in on Tuesday (May 6th)...It isn't supposed to be a fancy MLA paper. I would like you to judge it on grammar and logic. Please and thank you, all you grammar nerds out there:)

Here you go:

World Views

There are so many different world views in the world. In this class I learned about six main views held by most of the world, Biblical Christianity, Islam, Secular Humanism, Marxist Leninism, Cosmic Humanism, and Post Modernism.
A worldview is the way one looks at the world. It is the colored glasses which filter the world one sees. A worldview answers the questions: Where did we come from? Where are we going? And, why are we here?

The worldview of Biblical Christianity answers these questions in this way:
Where did we come from?
All the world and everyone in it were created by God the Father, who is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, holy, true, loving, just, graceful, merciful, eternal, wrathful, and  independent of space, time, and matter.
Where are we going?
Everyone in the world is going to hell after they have lived their selfish and idolatrous lives unless they have been called by God to be saved from His wrath through the intercession of His Son, Jesus Christ, who died so we do not have to, because of our sins. If God chose us, only then do we have forgiveness and are able to spend eternity in heaven with Him.
Why are we here?
Our purpose as a race and as individuals is to glorify Him, to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ, and to live with Him forever in eternal adoration.

Islamic worldview answers these questions as follows:
Where did we come from?
Allah created the world and all that is in it. Muslims believe Allah and the God of the Bible are one in the same.
Where are we going?
Muslims are going to either Jannah or Jahannam, depending on how well they have lived. They must keep the five pillars of Islam (Say the Shahada, pray five ritualistic prayers a day, pay charity tax, fast the month of Ramadhan, and have at least one pilgrimage to Mecca in their lifetime) if they want to go to Jannah. If they don’t keep the five pillars, they go to Jahannam.
Why are we here?
Surrender, submit, obey, in purity and peace to Allah, carrying out his orders and staying in some form of worship to him as much as possible-That is the purpose of the Muslim life.

The Secular Humanism worldview answers thusly:
Where did we come from?
Darwinian Evolution. They believe evolution is factual. Man was not planned by any supreme deity.
Where are we going?
Man is constantly evolving to a higher state of perfection. Socialism will be the way that man will have complete control over the universe. Socialism will be the next step in evolution for man to become a better social being.
Why are we here?
Globalism. We are evolving to a higher level of being and society. Secular Humanism does not focus on  cosmic meaning, rather, what moral purpose can man fulfill here and now, as well as, how to better further society.

Marxist-Leninism worldview also answers these three questions:
Where did we come from?
Mankind evolved. Marxist-Leninists leaped for joy when Darwin wrote the Origin of Species. Evolution disparages humans, which is the communistic goal-the many ruled by the few.
Where are we going?
We are headed to a higher state of Communism. Everything that furthers the perfection of the state is outstanding.
Why are we here?
We are here to advance the society towards Communism.

Cosmic Humanism’s answers to these questions are:
Where did we come from?
We evolved and are still evolving.
Why are we here?
We are here to evolve into an elite collective consciousness. We are all gods (or are all god-“Pantheism-all god”). The cosmos calls us into divine realizations about our respective deities. Life is about finding ourselves, meditating, and treating everything, which is spiritual, as god.
There are no standards, since god is the highest standard, and we are all god we can set our own standards. We can judge ourselves, since we set our own standard, but we can’t judge others, because they have their own set of standards. Everything is relative to the individual, yet since the cosmos directs us gods into our higher state of spirituality, then everything is all good.
Where are we going?
We are all evolving into a higher (god) consciousness. This is also called Collective Evolution, when enough individuals become highly elite they will draw others into their highly developed consciousness.

The worldview of Post Modernism answers the questions in this way:
Where did we come from?
Wherever you want to be.
Why are we here?
Whyever you want to be.
Where are we going?
Wherever you want to go.
What I learned from this class is that I am grateful to be a child of God. Other religions might have a god, but they don’t have a Savior.
Every worldview, excepting Christianity, is dependent on man’s own actions to get to heaven, or whatever better place they believe in. I think it is a rather hopeless case for them. For man continually strives for betterment, but how can he think he will attain it? No other man has accomplished this feat. It is impossible. We live in a sinful world.
One can try to live for a purpose. One can try to gain acceptance into heaven. One can try to please a god. But no one can ever succeed in any of their pursuits because of our fallen world.
Only God can give us perfection, for He is the ONLY standard of perfection. No matter what we do, we cannot be like God. God gives us the strength to better ourselves. We cannot.
Only a person who has been saved by the God of the Bible can enter into the kingdom of heaven. Because that person is not depending on his own actions to get a ticket to paradise, but he is depending on Jesus Christ’s actions, He who lived a perfect life and died a perfect death, to allow him to go spend eternity with God.  


  1. Hey there! This is a really interesting paper that you did! I actually learned a lot!
    I found the "grammar and logic" to be fine, but that's just me. I mean I didn't even come a cross a typo...which is amazing haha! ;)

  2. Thanks! I really appreciate it. You are very kind :)
    Sorry, I didn't reply sooner! I'm still waiting for my grade back on it.
